Article for Finasteride for prostate problems Generic name Finasteride – in the market this is commonly known as proscar.
Background This medicine is usually prescribed for shrinking of the prostrate gland. When this gland enlarges, it presses against the urethra squeezing it. As a result, the flow of urine gets obstructed. Besides being a painful affliction, it also creates a lot of related problems making life for the patient extremely painful. Some of these symptoms would be,
Proscar acts upon the DHT hormone which is the key agent for the enlargement of the prostrate in men. By reducing this hormone, proscar helps in getting the prostrate glad reduced. This is turn will open the urethra and allow the urine to pass freely out of the bladder. Sometimes proscar is advised for baldness. In many cases this medicine is prescribed as a preventive against cancer.
Warning precautions, overdose Proscar is an excellent for urinary problems caused by prostrate enlargement. However, not always the enlargement is benign. When the problem occurs one should go through the necessary test to rule out cancer of the prostrate. The other reason for enlargement may be infection, bladder problems, unusual obstructions, etc. Ensure you are checked properly to rule out all the causes before you settle for treatment with Proscar. This is because you may get relief from using Proscare and forget about the tests which in long run will make your recovery (from any other ailment – particularly cancer) very difficult. Those who take proscar may experience slight side effects. You will need to keep a close watch while you are on this medication and let the medical practitioner if you feel any of the side effects described below. In some cases you will need to take the medicine for as long as six months to one year before any improvement. Sometimes the relief is almost instantly. There are also cases where proscar does not do any good. Proscar is only for men. If any pregnant women takes it by mistake (or otherwise) they risk to get deformed babies. Hence, they should immediately report it to the doctor. Warning: Men who take proscar will get an accurate reading in the PSA test. Inform the doctor that you are on proscar if you have been asked to take this test. Proscar is usually prescribed for enlargement, but at the same time you could have cancer as well. So, if you are in the age bracket of 45-55 years ensure that you also under a test for cancer to rule out the possibility. This test should be repeated every year even if you are under Proscar treatment. Bear in mind that proscar is not a treatment for cancer and hence early detection is a must if you want to get the right treatment in time.
How to Take/ dosage Follow carefully the doctor’s advice when taking any medicine, not only proscar. You may take proscar on a daily basis with the meals. However if you take it in-between there is no problem. It is recommended to take it at the same every day for better efficiency and effectiveness of the medicine. Proscar is to be taken only by the person for whom it is prescribed. Do not share it friends or anyone else because it may create allergy, extreme sides effects, not to mention it may delay the diagnosis of cancer many times proving fatal. Side effects Sometimes there are side effects, but there are very rare and in between. The side effects will include some degree of impotence, decreased amount of semen in ejaculation, lack of sexual drive, etc. Those who have less ejaculation do not have any decrease in sexual pleasure, however. Some men develop breast tenderness as well as tenderness. There are a few rare cases where men developed rashes, hives, and swelling all over the body and specifically swelling of he face and lips. In some very rare cases pain in the testes has been reported as well.
How to store it This medicine may be stored at room temperature. However, it has to be kept in closely tight jars. |
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