Commonly Used Generic Name: Acyclovir Commonly Used Brand Names: Apo-Acyclovir, Gen-Acyclovir, Nu-Acyclovir
Why and for what should I take this medication? This medication is the newest treatment for herpes, a viral disease that causes small skin lesions. Most often, herpes is transmitted sexually from one partner to another, but there have been cases of a blood transfer passing the disease. While there are no true inherent dangers involved with this disease there is some physical discomfort when the outbreaks occur and it is also recommended by most doctors that sexual intercourse during an outbreak be refrained from. This is to prevent the spread of the disease as researchers have determined that the most likely time for transmission is during the outbreaks. This medication works to block the DNA receptors that cause the outbreaks, there by preventing the disease from being spread to other parties. The exact cause of the outbreaks has yet to be discovered but this medication is showing promise in the treatment and has decreased the number of occurrences in patients but more than fifty percent. This is a giant leap forward for many of the people who suffer from this disease as they must take a lot of precautions when one of the outbreaks takes place. The prevention of outbreaks has vastly improved the quality of life for many of the patients that are taking this medication. How do I take this medication? This medication requires a prescription from a licensed medical doctor. You should follow the orders of the doctor exactly as he or she specifies. This medication is available only in liquid form and is then dispensed in equal doses. You are required to take this medication between two and three times daily depending on the severity of the disease and how far it has progressed. This medication should be taken with food whenever possible as it can cause some mild stomach irritation. It is best to take this medication after or during a meal to prevent any stomach problems. Do not exceed the recommended dosage for any reason unless you are instructed to do so by your doctor. Ask all questions you have from your doctor prior to taking this medication. This medication is also available in topical cream. With this form you should apply the cream directly to the area of the outbreak. This is to prevent the lesion from growing any larger or spreading to surrounding areas. Do not ingest the topical cream it is for oral use only. Should I be concerned about interactions with other medications that I am taking? Although the makers of this medication have made every effort to determine any possible interactions there is always the chance of an interaction with a medication that has yet to be discovered. It is important to inform your doctor of all medications that you are taking and have taken recently. This includes over the counter medications and vitamins that contain herbs. This will give your doctor a clear picture of what the condition of your system is and how the drug will act once inside your system. Tell your doctor if you are allergic to any medications. This will help the doctor determine if there are any chemical components in this medication that could cause a dangerous allergic reaction. Are there any side effects associated with this medication that I should know about?
Though this drug is believed to be extremely safe, there were some side effects that were found in the clinical trials during the test phase for approval. Most of these side effects were mild and went away with continued treatment. If any of the following side effects occur during your treatment, you should contact your doctor, especially if they become severe. Of anything occurs that is not on the following list then contact your doctor as soon as possible to discuss the occurrence.
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