Erythromycin Topical Erythromycin Topical is an antibiotic preparation used on the skin to help control acne. It is such a useful drug that Doctors may use it in the treatment of a wide range of other illnesses. One area that many teenagers encounter Erythromycin Oral, is in the treatment of acne and the bacteria associated with it, Propionebacterium acne. Sebaceous glands in the skin are very vulnerable to infection, and subject to attack from this type of bacteria. Spots are caused by inflammation, from fatty acids and waste products, which are secreted from the glands. So Erythromycin enables the skin to heal by counter-acting the number of bacteria in the sebaceous glands. Sadly some strains of Propionebacterium have become resistant to the drug, and other forms of acne treatment have to be found for the patients. Warnings and Precautions
You should consult your doctor or pharmacist if you feel you have any allergic reaction to this drug. There may also be allergic problems resulting from preservatives or dyes used in the drug as ingredients. Children
Doctor would be cautious over prescribing Erythromycin Topical for children under 12 years of age. Although there have never been any recorded problems from it. You should always inform your Doctor or pharmacist if you wish to take this drug with another. In many cases it will not make any difference. But the doctor may wish to change your dosage. Especially keep in mind the fact that you may be applying this treatment to the same area of skin, already exposed to another drug. Applying the treatment
Wash the area of skin with soap and warm water before applying Erythromycin Topical. Make sure you are using soap you are not allergic to first. Then rinse away, and pat dry. The same may be true for an area that you may have to shave. Wait for 30 minutes before applying topical gel, pledget (swabs), or the topical liquid form of treatment. Because it may contain alcohol this will be painful to the tender skin. Caution
Due to the alcohol content in the swab, gel or liquid, this will be highly flammable. Be very careful to keep well away from any naked flame or source of heat. Do not smoke at any time when using the treatment. Dryness and irritation may occur if you use the application more than the doctor’s dosage. Once you have cleaned your skin to apply it, do not wash too often, as this can irritate the infected area and increase the problem. There will be plenty of advice available as to the mildest form of soap to use, but consult first if you are in doubt. Many people simply apply the treatment with their finger, but remember to wash your hands well afterwards. This is not always the best method, and many applications are better applied with a tip that may come with the bottle. Remember, one of the biggest problems here, is not to spread the infection via the bacteria. But apply the treatment to the whole infected area, to prevent the pimples breaking out. It must be kept in mind at all times, that this application contains alcohol, and this may burn and sting. So it is vital not to get these drugs near the mouth nose and especially the eyes. If you are unlucky enough to do so, wash out immediately. If you feel you are still suffering the effects, then go strait to a health professional for help. It is very important to keep strictly to the program of treatment laid down by your doctor. Erythromycin Topic is not a cure for acne, and some patients may have to carry on using it for months and even longer. Side Effects This is a very safe medicine if used properly, and most doctors would advice that you wait and get used to the treatment. While you are adjusting, you may find peeling and redness of the skin. Storage Keep the medicine in a safe place out of the reach of children. Keep it away from heat and direct sunlight, and if you have to keep it in a refrigerator, do not freeze solid. |
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