Styes, Hordeolums, and Chalazions
Both "stye" and "hordeolum" refer to a localized, boil-like infection at the base of the eyelash. This results when a gland inside the eyelid becomes acutely inflamed. This lump-like, pimple swelling on the eyelid may spontaneously burst and release pus. A similar condition, known as a chalazion results when a gland inside the eyelid becomes chronically inflamed. A chalazion will often appear as a nontender "lump" inside the eyelid. Treatment is surgical, with removal of the inflamed gland. The best treatment for styes is the application of warm wet compresses which will encourage the stye to drain leading to a reduction in size. The wet compresses should be applied for prolonged periods at several times during the day. Cleanse away any free pus from the eye itself. If the swelling does not resolve or if the eye (or eyelid) becomes increasingly red, swollen, and tender, see your doctor immediately. A small fraction of these cases may require incision and drainage of the infection. Persistent cases require consultation with an ophthalmologist.
Hope this article will provide you information about styes, hordeolums, and chalazions.