Lymphomas and Hodgkin's Disease

The lymphatic system is a complex arrangement of vessels responsible for transporting cells (lymphocytes) that fight infection. The lymph vessels are interrupted in some areas by swellings known as lymph nodes. The nodes act like filters to fight infection in the body. The lymph nodes can enlarge in response to a viral or bacterial infection in the body. Cancer of the lymphatic system and lymph nodes is known as lymphoma.

Lymphomas can affect people of any age. There are about 45,000 cases of lymphoma per year in the United States. Hodgkin's disease is a common type of lymphoma which accounts for approximately 7,000 cases per year in the United States. The rest (and the majority) of the cases of lymphoma are referred to as non-Hodgkin lymphomas. The majority of patients with Hodgkin's disease are children and young adults, whereas older adults make up the majority of non-Hodgkin lymphomas.

Symptoms of Lymphomas

Presenting symptoms of lymphomas depend in part upon the type of lymphoma. Symptoms of all types of lymphomas include: weakness, fatigue, weight loss, recurrent upper respiratory infections, fevers, anemia, and lymph node swelling (swollen glands). The doctor may notice enlargement of the spleen or liver on physical examination of the abdomen. Hodgkin's disease often appears as a lymph node swelling in the neck (the area just above the collar bone).

Evaluation and Treatment of Lymphomas and Hodgkin's Disease

Evaluation will include history and physical examination. Blood tests such as the complete blood count (CBC) will be performed. Lymph node biopsy is used for definitive diagnosis. CT-scanning of the chest and abdominal CT can give the physician additional clues for diagnosis. In some cases, bone marrow aspiration and biopsy is used for the staging (judging the extent) of the disease. In some cases, the spleen may need to be surgically removed for staging purposes.

Treatment is dependent upon the type and extent of the lymphoma. Surgery is rarely curative. Radiation therapy has been used successfully to destroy the cancer cells in the lymph nodes that are more localized in one area of the body. It is also useful in combination with chemotherapy in more extensive lymphomas. Chemotherapy is indicated in all but a few cases when the disease is very limited (Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas).

Remarkable improvements have been made in the treatment of this form of cancer. If detected and treated early, most patients with Hodgkin's disease will live 5 years or more (5 year survival is considered a "cure", because in most cases it does not recur). Patients with non-Hodgkin lymphomas have a greater than 50% chance of cure.

Some of the less aggressive types of non-Hodgkin lymphomas may not result in a complete cure, but long term periods of successful controlled illness can be expected, especially in older patients. The Hematologist is the expert in the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder.

dsds Influenza
dsds Folliculitis
dsds Fungal Nail Infection
dsds Fungal Throat Infection
dsds Anglion Cysts
dsds Gastrointestinal Bleeding
dsds Rubella
dsds Giardia Gastroenteritis
dsds Hyperthyroidism
dsds Graves Disease
dsds Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
dsds Esophagitis and Hiatal Hernia
dsds Hemochromatosis
dsds Hepatitis - Liver Disease
dsds Inguinal Hernias and Umbilical Hernias
dsds Herpes Genitalis
dsds Shingles or Herpes Zoster
dsds Herpetic Whitlow
dsds High Blood Pressure
dsds High Triglycerides
dsds AIDS
dsds Allergic Rashes, Reactions and Anaphylaxis
dsds Hyperemesis Gravidarum or Morning Sickness
dsds Primary Hyperparathyroidism
dsds Hypoglycemia
dsds Postural Hypotension
dsds Hypothyroidism
dsds Impetigo
dsds Impotence
dsds Paronychia
dsds Lymphangitis and Lymphadenitis
dsds Scabies Rash
dsds Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
dsds Rabies Infection
dsds Proctitis
dsds Pinworms
dsds Perianal Abscess
dsds Parotitis
dsds Mumps
dsds Meningitis
dsds Measles or Rubeola
dsds Malaria
dsds Lymphogranuloma Venerum
dsds Lyme Disease
dsds Laryngitis and Voice Strain
dsds Legionnaire's Disease
dsds Encephalitis
dsds Syphilis
dsds Tonsillitis and Pharyngitis
dsds Venereal Disease : Males
dsds Pertussis
dsds Labyrinthitis
dsds Insulin Reaction
dsds Irritable Bowel Disease
dsds Ischemic Bowel Disease
dsds Kawasaki Disease
dsds Kidney Disease And Kidney Failure
dsds Kidney Stones
dsds Tetanus
dsds Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
dsds Ludwig's Angina
dsds Pneumonia
dsds Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
dsds Meniere's Disease
dsds Migraine Headaches
dsds Multiple Sclerosis
dsds Myasthenia Gravis
dsds Mycoplasma Infection
dsds Paget's Disease
dsds Pancreatitis
dsds Peritonsillar Abscess
dsds Pericarditis
dsds Sickle Cell Anemia
dsds Scarlet Fever
dsds Reye's Syndrome
dsds Pediatrics : Diaper Rash
dsds Parkinson's Disease
dsds Thrombophlebitis
dsds Pleurisy and Pleuritis
dsds Pleurisy and Pleuritis
dsds Polio
dsds Presbycusis
dsds Psoriasis
dsds Pulmonary Embolism
dsds Raynaud's Disease
dsds Retinal Detachment
dsds Rheumatic Fever
dsds Otitis Externa
dsds Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
dsds Sinusitis or Sinus Infection
dsds Sepsis
dsds Schatzki's Ring
dsds Sarcoidosis
dsds Tuberculosis
dsds Temporal Arteritis
dsds Temporomandibular Joint Disease
dsds Tendinitis and Tennis Elbow
dsds Testicular Torsion
dsds Toxic Shock Syndrome
dsds Trigeminal Neuralgia
dsds Urinary Retention
dsds Warts


Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Acute Glomerulonephritis
Alcohol Withdrawal
Alcoholic Cirrhosis
Allergic and Infectious Conjunctivitis
Allergic Rashes
Allergic Rhinitis
Alzheimers Disease
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Blood Pressure

Bladder Cancer
Brain Tumors
Breast Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Multiple Myeloma
Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer Guide
Laryngeal Tumor
Lymphomas and Hodgkin's Disease
Head and Neck Cancer
Colon and Rectal Cancer
Cervical and Uterine Cancer

Cushing's Disease and Syndrome
Flu (Influenza)
Guillain-Barre' Syndrome
Peripheral Vascular Disease
l Threatened and Spontaneous Abortions
d Skin Abscess and Pilonidal Abscess
d Acne and Skin Blemishes
d Guillain-Barre Syndrome
d Diabetes Guide
d Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 and Type 2
ee Ethanol Induced Hepatic Cirrhosis
d Anal Fissures and Hemorrhoids
d Bursitis
e Anemia and it's Causes
e Myocardial Infarction and Angina
r Ankylosing Spondylitis
s Anorexia Nervosa
a Gastroenteritis
s Anxiety Reactions and Hyperventilation
x Aortic Stenosis
dd Appendicitis
es Cardiac Arrhythmias
ww Osteoarthritis or Degenerative Joint Disease
ss Gouty Arthritis
ee Rheumatoid Arthritis
s Septic Arthritis
s Aspiration Pneumonia
dd Asthma
ww Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease
s Common Fungal Rashes
df Atrial Fibrillation
e Roseola Baby Measles
rr Mitral Valve Prolapse
dff Otitis Media and Barotitis Media
ss Bartholin's Cyst and Abscess
ss Skin Cancer and Malignant Melanoma
ss Bell's Palsy
ss Muscle Tension Headache
ss Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
dsd Urinary Tract Infections
dd Blepharitis
dd Deep Venous Thrombosis
ss Body, Head, and Pubic Lice
dd Osteomyelitis
dds Botulism
dd Intestinal Obstruction or Bowel Obstruction
dd Mastitis
dd Pediatrics Bronchiolitis
dd Bronchitis
dd Buerger's Disease
dd Bunions
dd Cervical and Uterine Cancer
dd Cancers of the Head and Neck
ww Prostate Disease and Prostate Cancer
s Testicular Cancer
ss Vaginitis and Vaginal Yeast Infections
aa Mouth Ulcers or Canker Sores
ss Shock
aa Congestive Heart Failure
ss Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
ss Chondromalacia
ss Narcolepsy
dsd Cataracts
dsd Cellulitis or Skin Infection
s Central Retinal Artery and Vein Occlusions
s Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack
s Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease
d Cervical Lymphadenitis
s Cystic Fibrosis
d Styes, Hordeolums, and Chalazions
s Chancroid
ww Chest Wall Pain and Costochondritis
ee Chicken Pox
dd Gallbladder Disease
ss High Cholesterol
ss Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
dd Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
dd Swimmer's Itch
dd Cocaine Overdose
dd Cold Sores or Fever Blisters
dsds Upper Respiratory Infections or Colds
dsds Ulcerative Colitis
dsds Otosclerosis and Conductive Hearing Loss
dsds Condyloma Acuminata
dsds Dermatitis and Eczema
dsds Allergic and Infectious Conjunctivitis
dsds Seizures and Epilepsy
dsds Crohn's Disease
dsds Pediatrics : Croup
dsds Skin Cysts
dsds Dehydration and Electrolyte Imbalances
dsds Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
dsds Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease
dsds Diabetic Ketoacidosis
dsds Diabetic Neuropathy
dsds Diabetic Retinopathy
dsds Pediatrics Diphtheria
dsds Dissecting Thoracic Aneurysm
dsds Diverticulitis
dsds Vaccination Schedule
dsds Drug Withdrawal
dsds Muscular Dystrophy
dsds Peptic Ulcer Disease and Gastritis
dsds Menstrual Pain and Primary Dysmenorrhea
dsds Tubal Pregnancy
dsds Endometriosis
dsds Epididimytis
dsds Pediatric and Adult Epiglottitis
dsds Epistaxis
dsds Mononucleosis
dsds Pediatrics Febrile Seizures
dsds Endometritis
dsds Fibrocystic Breast Disease
dsds Menopause
dsds Ovarian Cystic Disease
dsds Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
dsds Placenta Previa
dsds Placental Abruption
dsds Preeclampsia or Toxemia of Pregnancy
dsds Premenstrual Syndrome
dsds Uterine Fibroids
dsds Uterine Prolapse
dsds Fever Control Instructions
dsds Pediatrics Fever in Infants Under 2 Years


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