Leg Injury : Shin Splints
Shin splints often appear as a dull aching pain in the front of one or both legs (shins). These are precipitated by physical activity. This problem is seen most often in the recreational runner who tends to run on hard surfaces (pavement). Shin splints are due to repeated stress on the tibia (the larger
bone below the knee). Inflammation to the outer layer of bone, in addition to the development of small hairline fractures, are responsible for the pain. These small fractures are not noticeable on conventional bone x-rays, but can be detected through nuclear bone scanning. Common symptoms include tenderness and mild swelling across the shins that usually becomes worse after activity. Treatment involves the avoidance of running and strenuous leg exertion for at least one month. Complete avoidance of running (jogging) on hard surfaces is recommended. Aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medications (ibuprofen) can reduce pain. Orthopaedic evaluation is advised. A 1-2 week period of no weight bearing on the injured leg may be necessary, with the use of crutches.
Hope this article will provide you information about leg injury : shin splints.