Skeletal Trauma DiagnosesTrauma mainly is injury but rather than a physical one, the reference is mainly for the mental and emotional one. When some situation disturbs you or an event leaves you feeling helpless, you may encounter sudden mental and emotional injury. You may start feeling sad, anxious, angry, helpless etc. When you cannot do anything about such feelings and they really affect your life in a negative way, its time to seek help for this condition. You are under an intense trauma. But in this reference the discussion is mainly the injury caused to the bone or the skeletal due to any accident or falling down. Mostly after you meet with an accident it is very important that there must be diagnosis of skeletal trauma. This is because mostly after an accident your bones are affected. How are they affected and the intensity of the same depends on the accident caused. Whether recovery will be easy or difficult depends on many factors, not the least of which is the type and location of the skeletal trauma. Skeletal trauma may include fractures, dislocations or ligament injury etc. A bone is considered fractured if it becomes cracked, splintered or bisected as a result of a skeletal trauma or a medical condition that caused weakening in the bones. If the bone were completely severed, it would be a broken bone. A doctor is first concerned with whether the fractured bone has also broken the skin. If not, it is a closed fracture. If so, it is an open or compound fracture. Broken skin can allow infection to penetrate the bone fracture and carry an elevated risk of infection. An open fracture requires immediate surgical treatment that involves removal of dirt and debris as well as any dead tissue. If the diagnosis is simple fracture, then the fracture has occurred along one line, leaving the bone in two pieces. The alternative is a multi-fragmentary fracture. If displacement – a fracture gap – has occurred, the bone may need to be manipulated back into shape and might require surgery to correct. A fracture of the vertebra might be a compression fracture and can be caused by osteoporosis rather than a skeletal trauma. A fracture in which the bone separates completely is a complete fracture while an incomplete fracture is one in which they are partly joined. The angle at which the fracture occurs is an important consideration in its treatment. If the break is parallel to the long axis of the bone then it is linear. If the break is at a right angle to the axis, it is transverse and any diagonal fracture is oblique. If a skeletal trauma causes a fracture that goes around the bone, it is a spiral fracture. A fracture that causes many fragments is called comminuted or “multi-fragmentary” and if the fragments have been driven into one another, it is an impacted fracture. When treating a skeletal trauma, the classification system for a bone fracture includes identifying the affected bone, the location of the fracture on the bone, the type of fracture (simple, multi-fragmentary, etc.), the group (transverse, oblique, spiral, etc,) and the subgroup, which describes how the bone is displaced. A skeletal trauma can take a fraction of a second to occur, but the long-term treatment depends on an intense analysis of the damage. A skeletal trauma is difficult and time consuming to treat. Of course, everything becomes fine after the treatment but the patient will be asked to have bed rest. The intensity of skeletal trauma depends on the accident caused. There can be bone fracture that can affect you. There will be a lot of pain. |
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