Dental TraumaMany a times when accident takes place you may suffer from trauma in any part or many parts of body. You may get dental injury. This can lead to dental trauma. This may happen when you get any injury in your mouth. Dental trauma is injury to any part of the mouth area including teeth, gums, tongue, jaw and lips. The most common dental injury is to the teeth. The teeth may get broken. The main reasons for dental trauma are accidents, fights, scalding liquids and sports. The symptoms of dental trauma depend entirely on the type of injury that has occurred. If there is deep injury you may suffer a lot. If the injury is minor then the recovery will be fast and pain will be less. Cuts and burns can lead to painful swelling and sometimes bleeding. Sometimes broken teeth can lead to toothaches while a knocked out tooth can leave the gums swollen and bloody. Problems with the jawbone tend to be more serious and can sometimes lead to a misaligned jaw. Fracture, subluxation and displacement are the main things that happen during a dental trauma. Dental trauma must not be ignored considering it as minor and a small thing. For proper diagnoses, it is recommended to take out dental x- ray after an accident. This can help to determine the exact damage and the spot of injury. More comprehensive x-rays are required to diagnose the broken jaw. While there are dental injuries it is also very common that there can be bleeding of gums. You must visit the dentist as soon as possible and must not ignore the situation. Anyone who has suffered from dental trauma should visit a dentist as soon as possible to ascertain the effect of the trauma and the subsequent treatment that is needed. A dentist uses x-rays on the mouth to find out the total extent of the damage caused by the dental trauma. This can be easier for the patient than a full physical examination at first due to the pain that can come from dental injury. The sooner the treatment begins the better in most cases of this trauma as it can avoid more serious long-term effects. Dental trauma can be extremely painful in a lot of cases and the patient may need some type of anesthetic before any treatment can begin. Sometimes stitches are required although with a lot of lip injuries, the lip has to be left to heal naturally. Painkillers can help with the pain. Broken teeth require the mouth to be rinsed out in order to clean the area. The sooner a dentist is visited, the greater the chance of saving the tooth. Dentists often advise people to hold on to the tooth or any broken bit after dental trauma, keeping them moist is essential. When the entire tooth has been knocked out, it is important to hold it by the crown rather than the root. After such a trauma, the dentist will try to save all of the teeth, although this is not always possible and sometimes an artificial crown or tooth is needed. Sometimes there may be soft tissue injuries and treating this trauma is a time consuming affair. Dental trauma that leads to a broken jaw requires the jaw to be set back into its rightful position and may need wires to hold it into place. The healing process can take up to six weeks for this type of injury. It is important to see the dentist as soon as possible when the jaw has been broken as delays in treatment can result in a much longer and more painful recovery time. With any dental trauma, infections can easily set in and it is important to continue to take good care of the injured area and avoid further damage. Most dental traumas can be easily treated and heal in time as long as proper care is taken of the area. The seat belts must be compulsorily worn while traveling. It is important that you take necessary precautions while traveling and where ever speed is concerned. Dental trauma may take some time to be cured completely. But immediate treatment is necessary. |
Manual Trauma |
Advanced Life Support Trauma |
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