Blunt Head TraumaHead trauma is very serious condition. Common head trauma symptoms will manifest as follows: dizziness, loss of memory, black outs, fainting, nausea, vomiting and headache. Head trauma symptoms will differ from patient to patient depending on the injury and you may experience all or just one of the symptoms described. The sleep pattern of the person may change. The person may not feel like eating anything. He may also lose memory; it may be partial or complete. The patient may also suffer from paralytic attack. The majority of patients with head trauma can be classified as having mild head injuries while the rest may have severe to moderate injuries. Society has to pay a staggering cost – both in economic as well as emotional terms - and almost all those that have suffered severe head injuries, and the great majority (two-thirds) of those with moderate injuries may become permanently disabled. Head injuries are serious and have serious implications no matter what type of injury or how it occurs. Blunt trauma, medically speaking, is non-penetrating. However, it only refers to the trauma itself. Blunt trauma may apparently look not so serious. But this condition is really serious. You must not ignore blunt head trauma. Due to blunt head trauma, the bones of the skull may get fractured or damaged. Often, with blunt head injury the opposite side of the site also gets affected. Blunt head trauma calls for treatment at the earliest. Ideally, a first-responder to an accident should attend to any head injuries to avoid complications. The impact to the head can cause also injury to the neck and spine; the head is often immobilized at the scene before transporting the injured person. Sometimes an airway is inserted in case the neck injury interferes with breathing. Often, the patient is brought to a hospital with neurosurgical specialists in case of injury to the brain. Once at the hospital, the blunt head trauma patient is examined for bruises on the back or neck, pain in the back or radiating to the arms since these are signs of cervical spine injury. The patient may experience symptoms of blunt head trauma for some days. These symptoms are dizziness, insomnia, lack of concentration etc. The doctor will examine the head to determine whether the injury is closed, the skull not broken, or open. Diffuse brain injuries cover a large area while focal injuries are those that occur in a specific place. It is necessary to take out X-rays and scans of the site to diagnose the exact problem. A blunt head trauma can result in a skull fracture. If there is intracranial hemorrhage or bleeding in the brain, blood can collect and put pressure on the brain. This is called a hematoma and is dangerous since blood in the brain does not easily drain off. Often, some sort of surgery is needed to relieve the pressure. Injury to the brain can occur at the site of the blunt head trauma or at the opposite side of the skull. The types of injury that result from blunt head trauma can cause dizziness, confusion, personality change, seizures, drowsiness and intervals of lucidity interspersed with loss of consciousness. Often, following an accident, the first-responders will make sure that there is no blunt head trauma or problem breathing before attending to other injuries. |
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