Child Trauma Needs Help and AttentionChild trauma is the situation normally followed by personality disorders in children. Child abuse, suicide of a loved one and many other painful events would often be the reason for a childhood trauma. These painful events lasts in the child’s mind for a very long time and can remain with him for entire life also. Although some children who have suffered childhood trauma would eventually recover and live normal lives when they grow up, there are many of them who would carry with them the mental anguish of their painful experience. But childhood trauma seeks professional help to recover fast and in a better way. Trauma can be defined in two ways. One is when there is any serious physical injury, shock and the second one is emotional or mental injury, which is psychological. The patient remains disturbed and distressed. Trauma can occur to any one. It can occur to adults as well as children. But here the discussion is limited to child trauma. In connection to the same child trauma is caused by the by serious physical injury or an emotional painful experience in children. Whichever it may be, it has long lasting effects on child’s mind and can remain with his experiences even after the trauma is recovered. Trauma is very tricky on both adults and children. Adults may find better ways of dealing with trauma, children often cannot express themselves so well. Many times child trauma could have some serious implications in the quality of life of a child. According to experts, child trauma may greatly affect the child’s performance at school and would also have some negative effects on the way they deal with others. In some extreme cases, child trauma could lead to severe mental disorders. According to experts, since a child has very rich imaginations, a bad experience would soon be translated into nightmares and phobias that could make the life of the child very miserable. Since child trauma is a serious problem it requires immediate attention. This problem must not be ignored. If your child is going through some difficult times, you should show him or her that you care. Give him attention and moral support. Provide the child with a secure environment. The more secure the child feels, the more that she or he will be able to deal with stressful situations. If your child is undergoing therapy, you should work closely with his or her doctor. Make it a point to discuss your child’s situation with the doctor thoroughly so that you will be able to understand your child better. More often than not, an unresolved childhood trauma would affect the social and emotional well being of a person as he or she grows up. Many people who have experienced trauma will have difficulty in coping with their daily lives, as they grow older. If a person starts to manifest some emotional or psychological disorders due to trauma, he or she should seek professional help immediately. Going into therapy would help a person understand his or herself better and then eventually come to terms with what happened in the past. If your child is already of school age, you should not pull him or her out of school. Note that your child will have better chances of coping with child trauma if he or she can find a diversion of his or her thoughts. Being able to get out of the house and spend some time with his or her peers would help him or her learn to socialize. When some situation disturbs child or an event leaves him feeling helpless, he may encounter sudden mental and emotional injury. He may start feeling sad, anxious, angry, helpless etc. At this time he needs your help. |
Manual Trauma |
Advanced Life Support Trauma |
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