Child Abuse TraumaTrauma can be defined in two ways. One is when there is any serious physical injury, shock and the second one is emotional or mental injury, which is psychological. The patient remains disturbed and distressed. Trauma can occur to any one. It can occur to adults as well as children. But here the discussion is limited to child trauma. In connection to the same child trauma is caused by the by serious physical injury or an emotional painful experience in children. Whichever it may be, it has long lasting effects on child’s mind and can remain with his experiences even after the trauma is recovered. Very often instances of child abuse leads to trauma. Child abuse can be considered as being any act or failure to act that puts the child’s physical or emotional health as well as development in danger, and one can consider a person to be abusing a child if that person fails to nurture the child or physically injures the child or relates sexually to the child. In some extreme cases, child abuse trauma could lead to severe mental disorders. According to experts, since a child has very rich imaginations, a bad experience would soon be translated into nightmares and phobias that could make the life of the child very miserable. Since child trauma is a serious problem it requires immediate attention. This problem must not be ignored. This event may change the pattern of thinking and will hinder the child’s mental growth. He may not be able to develop his personality the way he wants to. Child abuse may take the form of physical, sexual, emotional abuse or sheer neglect. Child abuse trauma may incur dire consequences in the well -being of the child through its childhood as well as prolongs itself into adulthood. The consequences of child abuse are really heart threatening. The child may become impaired in its social behavior, or be alienated and withdraws into themselves, have suicidal tendencies, takes to substance abuse, has eating disorders and encounters problems with school work or may find it difficult to cope with the stress of work, and may take other unwanted escape routes that are considered abnormal. Child abuse trauma can be extreme, and may depend on the severity of the abuse as well as the surrounding environment of the child. With a supportive as well as nurturing family and school environment, the child will be able to cope better with the trauma. However, it may not be the event that determines if something is traumatic or not; rather, it is the child’s perception of the event. You need to be strong and support the child so that he recovers from child abuse trauma fast. Often, the child may be ashamed of revealing the trauma that he is going through. But the environment at home must be such that he can boldly disclose the threatening instance as caused to him. Professional help must be sought, if necessary. The effect of child abuse trauma can stay in the child’s mind for many more years to come. Hence, it is important that rather than ignoring this problem; it must be attended at the earliest. Child abuse trauma can take the form of severe psychiatric problems, and children would likely develop reactive attachment disorder which may also be described as their having trauma-attachment problems. An instance of child abuse trauma can become further aggravated because of circumstances that place families under more stress such as poverty, divorce, sickness, disability as well as lack of parental skills It is necessary to meet an experienced counselor to get the child recover fast from this situation. Child abuse trauma if not treated in the earlier stages can remain within the child in the form of personality disorders and hindered mental and emotional growth. |
Manual Trauma |
Advanced Life Support Trauma |
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