What else can YOU do to improve your memory?Give your Brain some food for thought and act upon! It’s true that we can make a list of “To Do” things every morning as we start our day, without any effort – but what about those small but significant events, which you would love to recall and narrate, but simply are unable to do so. Like the ridiculous waiter you met at the restaurant, that funny little incident at office and similar such incidents. The chief functions of memory are to stack, retain and recall information. Thanks to our memory, we need not learn everyday, what we already know. Memory helps to prevent “unlearning”. The benefits of a good memory are many. One of them is your ability to organize your thoughts, to prioritize them for necessary action and retain a clear head without any muddled thoughts. You optimize your time, your efficiency increases in work and you experience a better quality of life. With advancing age, the neuron, or the brain cells lose their competence to replenish and revive the supplies of new cells. This in turn has a direct impact on memory and its functioning. You can prevent this from happening by adopting a healthy physical and psychological lifestyle.
Give your brain some good food. Well, literally. Eat plenty of foods that keep your brains sharp and clear, like fruits and vegetables. Foods like blueberries, strawberries and spinach (think of Popeye!) have amazing abilities to encourage improved brain functioning. They not only protect the brain through their inherent antioxidant properties, but also help prevent blood clots, which can impair brain function significantly. Blood clots hinder the neuron response to stimuli – this means your memory slows down. Foods that are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, zinc and B12 are excellent resources that help keep brain in good health.
Take your brain to the mental gym every now and then. Try to recall the grocery list, lyrics of some old songs or even recounting multiplication tables aloud. Simple exercises like these keep your brain sharp and tingling. What we have done through these mnemonics is to give you some ideas which aid in memory upkeep. Brain recalls best, through associations or links that are attached to information. Try to tie up vital visual or auditory cues with most important information that you need to recall in future.
Slow down your current pace in life. Focus on the most important only. Concentrate on your immediate priorities. Multitasking is possible only to a certain limit. Brain acts according to individual limitations. If you are talking to someone, plug in your full concentration on that single activity. You will soon find that you can remember most of the things said and heard.
Repetition is the key to success and retention. Repeat any name or number several times. Met someone new? Repeat his or her name as many number of times as possible. Soon you will find that you can actually store vital information with out the fear of loss. More Tips Exactly the way you wish to ward off old age by keeping your physical body in shape, brain also needs adequate exercise and stimulation to remain young, agile and active. When you keep old-age in abeyance, give the aging brain also an opportunity to retain its youth and vigor. Here are some more tips on keeping your brain in ship-shape condition.
Come to think of it, we wouldn’t be here and you wouldn’t be reading this if it wasn’t for your brains. So give the organ its due respect, for even physically, it is at the TOP of us! Without a sound body and a healthy mind, we cant face aging, which is so impending and inevitable. Hope this article will provede you information about tips of improving memory. |
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