A look at the Lasik InstituteThe Lasik Institute is a non-profit organization located in the New England Eye Center in Boston, Massachusetts. Their mission is to provide information to the public in regards to lasik eye surgery and also other vision problems such as glaucoma. There main goal is to provide education to patients and surgeons in regardless to lasik vision correction and the connection between patients and surgeons in regards to lasik success. Research programs that are funded by grants, both public and government provide the Lasik Institute with it’s information. The Eye Surgery Education Council (ESEC) is a board of leading eye surgeons who review all the information provided by the Lasik Institute. The ESEC was started in 2002 and focused on helping patients learn about lasik eye surgery. The information they review consists of most everything patients need to know about lasik eye surgery. This helps them make an informed decision prior to getting surgery. The ESEC has emerged as a center for surgeon and patient discussions by maintaining an information database designed to assist patients and surgeons. The ESEC believes communications between surgeons and patients is an important part of the process and is committed to providing accurate information that is always current with any new developments in lasik surgery. The institutes website offers information not only to the Boston area but to people worldwide. It is easy to use and provides a large amount of useful information. There is a section that helps the patient determine if they are a good candidate for lasik surgery. It provides general information on such topics as how lasik and the cornea work and how correction is attained thru lasik eye surgery. It also has a reference section that can provide assistance in finding a qualified surgeon in your area. The explain risks, side effects, and other complications from lasik surgery. They have a terminology section to help understand any technical terms that may be confusing. There is help for age related questions and other information materials to assist in the knowledge of lasik vision correction, and it does all this at no cost. The Lasik Institue has made its mission to help patients understand that the decision to have lasik surgery is a very important one to make. They are helping the vision industry by helping patients to understand it is not a minor procedure, but something that will impact the rest of their life. They are aware of the importance of patients getting all the information they need and finding a qualified surgeon. Lasik eye surgery will continue to grow in popularity and effectiveness and everyone getting the results they expect and deserve as long as organizations such as the Lasik Institute are working hard to inform patients and surgeons of the various aspects and improvements. |
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