Lasik Enhancement SurgeryBy now most people have heard of lasik surgery and that it is a surgery designed to help in vision correction. What people do not know is how it works or what they need to know before choosing to get lasik enhancement surgery. Knowledge is important and knowing everything you can before you begin the process will help you decide if lasik is for you. This understanding of the procedure is essential, the results are permanent and you can not change your mind after the procedure has started. The word lasik stands for laser assisted in Situ Keratomileusis. The goal is to change the shape of the cornea. The cornea is the clear lens in your eye. It is responsible for taking images and sending them to the retina where they then go to the brain and making us able to see. Sometimes the cornea is not shaped right and these images are distorted. This is the reason some people do not see well without the aid of eyeglasses or contacts. During a lasik surgery a flap is cut in the cornea and then a laser is used to reshape the middle section of the cornea. The goal of lasik surgery is a patient has 20/20 vision after the procedure. This is attained by most people, but there is no guarantee. The problem facing a surgeon is to know exactly how misshaped the cornea is and then to reshape it perfectly. Also just like any other surgery there is the possibility of complications. There may not be any improvement, more difficulties seeing at night, halo’s around lights or new eye problems. To reduce the chance of complications a surgeon will conduct a complete and extensive eye exam. This is to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. A good candidate normally will not have any preexisting eye problems and be in good health. The surgeon will exam your eyes general condition, if any problems you are having are not a result of a misshaped cornea then lasik is not going to be of any help. If you are on medications you will need to inform the surgeon at this time since some medications have an impact on the way the body will heal. Problems can arise also if you have large pupils, thin corneas or dry eye syndrome. This all should be discovered or talked about with your surgeon. You need to understand the risks that are involved and that lasik may not correct your vision to 20/20 and you still may need contact lenses or eyeglasses. Other issues to take into consideration would be the cost, amount of time to needed from work and the impact that may have. The important aspect is not to hide anything from your surgeon. The suitability of lasik surgery for you is one of the most important aspects of the lasik procedure. |
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