Who's at Risk of Lung Cancer? Every cancer that occurs has a different cause and there are different risk factors that can cause that cancer to occur. Risk factors for small cell lung cancer include:
According to the data up to about 90 percent of lung cancer patients are or have been smokers and as many as 10% left have been exposed to second-hand cigarette smoke.
Cigars and Pipes People who smoke cigars and pipes have a higher chance of having lung cancer than those who are nonsmokers. There are several other factors that have also been taken into consideration.
Thus considering the fact that the people who do not inhale the smoke are still at a greater risk of developing diseases of mouth, lung and other types of malignancy knowing that the cigar, cigarette and pipe smoke contains several carcinogens in them. Marijuana Marijuana is also known as “weed, “pot” and the smokers of marijuana do not know that the smoke contains a greater quantity of tar than the cigarettes. There is another fact that needs to be highlighted here that many pot smokers don’t realize is that marijuana is inhaled very deeply and the smokers hold the smoke in the lungs for a long time. There are many chemicals in marijuana that are being known as the cancer causing substances. A person who has had lung cancer on one occasion is more liable to develop a second lung cancer than a person who has never had the disease. Stopping smoking after lung cancer has been known to help prevent the development of a second lung cancer. Gender The data suggests that the women who smoke or are exposed to tobacco smoke have a high prevalence of developing lung cancer than men. There is a gene that has been found known as GRPR, which is a culprit in causing unusual cell growth in people exposed to cigarette smoke. According to the study this gene is more active in women than in men and may explain why females are more prone to lung cancer. Diet Another research suggests that the diets low in fruits and vegetables may increase the chances of developing cancer if a person is exposed to tobacco smoke. It is suggested that fruits and vegetables may protect against lung cancer. Disease There are certain lung diseases that also cause a person to have lung cancer such as tuberculosis (TB) can increase a person's chance of developing lung cancer. Adenocarcinoma lung cancer seems to develop in areas of the lung scarred from TB. Some Brutal Facts about Lung Cancer
There is another very threatening data by American Cancer Society that estimates that about 164,000 new cases of lung cancer are diagnosed yearly in the United States and an approximate 157,000 people die from the disease each year.
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