The Importance of Follow-up CareAfter the patients go through lung cancer treatment, it is very necessary that they go through followup care, which is an essential part after surgery or chemotherapy or radiation. The followup care requires regular checkups to ensure that any changes in health of the patient is noticed, and if cancer returns or a new cancer develops, it can be treated as soon as possible. Checkups usually include physical examinations, chest x-rays, and blood tests. Providing Emotional Support to Someone Suffering With Lung Cancer As we believe that treating the lung cancer is essential to help the patient survive, at the same time it is very important that the individual suffering through such disease receive emotional support as well. It is pretty understandable that living with a serious disease such as cancer can be very demanding. It is natural that besides having to cope with physical and medical challenges, individuals with cancer face many doubts, fears, feelings and concerns that can make life difficult for not only them, but those around them as well.
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