SmokingBeing a smoker it’s very tough to believe that smoking cigarettes is injurious to health and it becomes harder to believe when you are in love with your cigarette brand. Bad news for smokers is that the modern medical research proves that the smoking is the top notch reason of destruction of coronary arteries and of becoming heart patient.
Facts and Figures about Smoking!!!
If you have gone through the heart attack condition then it is very essential for you to stay away form smoking, failing to do so can lead you to another heart attack. Passive Smoking: -Passive smoking is the type of smoking you use to do unintentionally like when a person sitting close to you while smoking a cigarette, by this you inhale smoke unintentionally. Passive smoking is equally harmful as direct smoking. Heavy passive smoking must be avoided because it also can cause angina and heart disease. Majority of the smokers accept the risk of heart disease present in smoking and they wish to quit smoking. But it’s difficult for smokers to quit smoking easily and due to that they intentionally cause more damage to themselves. The only way to healthier heart is giving up smoking and healthier heart means healthier you and healthier environment. Here are some of very useful tips to quit smoking: -The most important and the foremost thing to quite smoking is to decide a quite date and stick on it and do it.
Other useful tips to say quit: -You should enrol yourself in smoke cessation programmes like in hospitals, health departments, community centres and visit frequently on the places offering this kind of programmes.
QUIT Help line Number (in the UK): 0800 665 544You may get connected to the Health Information Service, which provides complete counselling and support service for those wishing to give up smoking. Remember smoking is bad for your heart. Cutting down is not enough; you should quit it! |
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