A Diabetes Blood Test for Identifying It's Presence

Diabetes is a disease for lifetime. Do not get depressed you can definitely bring it under stabilization. You can control it. But first you must know what is diabetes. Diabetes is a disorder in which the body is not able to utilize excess sugar and convert it into energy. This is either due to insulin resistance or the production of insulin is less than the required. There are mainly 3 types of diabetes. Type 1 that is mostly caused to children. The other one is type 2 mostly caused to adults and the 3rd is gestational diabetes caused in some pregnant females.

There are certain symptoms which if seen, you must become cautious. If you feel that you need to urinate very frequently and also the thirst is excessive, the caution has to be maintained and you must get yourself checked up. You may have diabetes or some other disorder. These two symptoms are associated with other diseases also. Fatigue, weight loss, nausea, excess hunger, numbness in hands and feet etc are some of the other symptoms. If you feel any of these things you must see a good doctor. The doctor then recommends diabetes blood test. The disease can be detected only by this means.

The sugar does not break down and is not utilized and hence after the diabetes blood test when diabetes is detected, medications include injections or oral tablets of insulin. This extra insulin helps to maintain the blood sugar level. You will also have to be cautious as regards to your diet. You must indulge into food with high fiber and protein. You must avoid excess sugary foods. You must also make exercise as a general rule of your life. If you maintain a good diet and exercise along with medications as prescribed by the doctor, you can definitely stabilize this disease.


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