Causes Of HypertensionThere is little doubt that there are probably thousands of people walking the streets today who have a dangerously high blood pressure, yet they are completely unaware of it. Uncontrolled high blood pressure leads to many different medical problems such as " Stroke Different factors for causing high blood pressure include " Excess alcohol The problem with high blood pressure or hypertension to give it it's proper name is that very often people are unaware they are suffering from it until they start suffering the side effects. This is one of the reasons why it is called the "silent killer" There is little doubt that salt intake has a direct effect on blood pressure. Both this and the ingestion of dietary potassium have been found to have adverse effects on a person's health. Obesity is another major problem. Overweight people are more liable to have a higher blood pressure than their slim counterpart. The heart and other vital organs have to work harder which leads to added strain. Alcohol also plays a direct part in hypertension. It has been found in several studies, that the higher the alcohol consumption, the higher the blood pressure. However similar studies have also shown that moderate drinkers appear to have a lower blood pressure than non drinkers. This probably bears out the old assumption a little of what you fancy does you good! The only true way of ascertaining whether you have high blood pressure or not is by having it checked by a competent person. This is a painless procedure, and every adult should have their blood pressure taken at least on an annual basis if not more often. The contraceptive pill can cause amongst other things, the blood pressure to rise so it is important that all women no matter how young they are have their blood pressure checked on a regular basis. Though symptoms of hypertension or high blood pressure are not common, some people can complain of headaches, blurred vision light headedness and dizziness.
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