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Every woman will go through menopause in her lifetime, and chances are, she’ll face at least one of these five symptoms. While some women are troubled by menopausal symptoms and seek more extreme treatment to gain relief from the symptoms, other women may not find these symptoms too much of a burden at all. Each woman is different. Whether your symptoms are relatively insignificant, or if they cause you greater discomfort, below you can find a few ways to relieve five of the most common menopausal symptoms.
Treating and Coping with Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are considered the most common symptom of menopause. While these might cause you great discomfort, there are many ways to find relief from these hot flashes so that you can keep living your life normally. Importantly, try to notice what triggers your hot flashes. It is common for spicy food, alcohol, caffeine or high levels of stress to induce an uncomfortable hot flash. Once you realize what dietary or environmental triggers are responsible for your hot flashes, try to avoid this trigger. Other good options are to dress in layers and simply remove the layers of clothing when you experience a hot flash, or keep a fan beside your bed or workplace. If the hot flashes are still a great discomfort to you, and these options offer you no relief, speak to your doctor about Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT) or prescription medication.
Fixing Sleep Issues and Insomnia
Difficulty sleeping through the night is another common symptom of menopause that many women face. In order to find relief for menopausal insomnia, try to avoid having caffeine in the afternoon, and avoid alcohol around bedtime. Both of these disrupt your sleep patterns. It is also advised that you keep your bedroom at a cool temperature, dark and as quiet as possible for an optimal sleeping environment and that you live an active lifestyle during the day. If these options do not cause relief, speak to your doctor about your difficulties sleeping for other options.
Finding Relief from Unexpected Mood Swings
With all these changes to your body, mood swings are not uncommon. Getting enough sleep and exercise will help ease mood swings, while relieving stress in your life will also help control mood swings. Support groups may also offer you relief, as it provides you with the opportunity to speak with women who are going through exactly what you are.
Making Sure Menopause Doesn’t Interrupt your Sex Life
Vaginal dryness is another common symptom that accompanies menopause. However, this doesn’t have to negatively affect your sex life. Over the counter water-based lubricants or moisturizers will offer you quick relief.
Dealing with Forgetfulness or Memory Loss
Some women notice increasing forgetfulness when they reach menopausal age. It is important that you are getting enough sleep and that you are doing enough exercise each day. Some doctors also recommend mental exercises, such as crossword puzzles. However, if the forgetfulness and memory loss persists, see your doctor.
Menopause doesn’t have to halt your life and the symptoms don’t have to be unbearable. There are ways to deal with each symptom and find relief. In addition to relieving these symptoms naturally, such as exercising, getting enough sleep and managing hot flashes, there are alternatives. Speak to your doctor about low dose oral contraceptives, prescription medication or Menopausal Hormone Therapy if the symptoms persist uncomfortably. There are always ways to find relief from menopause symptoms.