Heat and Personal Health

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Normally we discuss foods, health habits, lifestyles in terms of health care, but there is little that is written in terms of heat affecting the life of individuals. There are a lot of people throughout the world who suffer from heat stroke and in the summer months especially there are a lot of cases reported to the hospital where people have suffered from heat. It is noteworthy to mention it here that in the summer months during the past few years there were about 10,000 people reported dead due to the intense heat in France alone. This was a very shocking news and there were a lot of programs and ads that were given in the newspapers to make the people aware as to what can be done to prevent themselves from the heat. In this article we are going to discuss the different factors where we will be talking about the different ways where one can prevent themselves from the scorching heat of the sun.

One of the most common affect of heat is dehydration in which the water is being loss from the body through a very high perspiration rate. The best remedy in that situation is to drink large amounts of water so that the water loss can be managed by it. Another element that is being lost through sweat are the minerals so with the loss of minerals the individual goes through excessive lethargy and fatigue, so it is best to add salt and lemon to the water along with some sugar so that the right level of minerals can be maintained in the body. Of note, just do not drink alcoholic drinks and you must not wait to drink water till you get thirsty and drink on a consistent basis. Another important fact is that you must consult your doctor if you are taking water pills before you consume large amounts of water.
It is important that you do not drink liquids that contain caffeine, alcohol because these cause the loss of water from the body and you must not drink very cold fluids as this can cause cramps in the stomach. So you need to be very careful in the hot weather months because if you walk in the wrong steps then you can hurt yourself and hurt yourself really bad.

Another step that you can take to prevent yourself from the scorching heat of the sun is that you can stay indoors because that can prevent you from being dehydrated. The best option would be to be in an air conditioned environment because that would cool you off as the temperatures outside are raising your body temperature and this is something that can ultimately lead to heat stroke that can be deadly. Therefore it is really important that you try to keep yourself as cool as you can. If you do not have an air conditioned environment at home then you can spend some of your time at a mall or you can even spend a few hours at a public library because this way you can cool yourself off for a few hours and that would help you greatly. You can also call the local health department and check if there are any heat shelters in your area.

You can find comfort in your home environment with the electric fans but it becomes really difficult to fight the rising temperatures and that then ultimately causes the heat related illness. One thing that you can do is to take shower on and off so that you are able to cool off your temperatures throughout the day. Another important thing to note is that you must wear loose fitted clothing as well as wear light colors so that you are able to keep yourself cooled off in such an environment.

The people who are at increased risk of developing heat related illnesses are the infants and young children, elderly people who are age 65 or above, individuals who are mentally ill, as well as who are suffering from serious health conditions such as heart disease or high blood pressure. This group of people as mentioned above are the ones who need a constant check by you so that you can know as to how they are doing so that if anything goes wrong at any point then you can take immediate measures for that.

As it is said that Prevention Is Better Than Cure, it is important that you try to prevent yourself from heat rather than getting emergency medical attention from heat stroke, so it is important that in such weathers you should limit your outdoor activity, you must not exercise on tougher routines as you had been and if you are exercising then you must take sports drink so that you can keep yourself hydrated. I hope this article must have provided you with the basic information as to how you can protect yourself in the summer months.


Fine Tune Your Mind

We normally are living a life where we just get dull and take a back seat in our lives and are all wrapped up in our day to day life and with lots of situations that we need to handle throughout the day. We go through different things during the day and feel that our mind is really tired and that we just cannot stand any more stress on it. But on the other hand we see people who are really strong in their mind and just involve themselves in the activities that strengthen up their minds and make them feel sharper than ever no matter how much stress that they are going through. Mind is something that has never been explored fully though there still are a lot of researches that are going on but still there is a lot much to know as to how our mind works and what we can do to strengthen it and make it work the best for us and honestly speaking that is what we want deep inside.

In this article we are going to discuss as to how important it is to keep your mind rolling by doing different mathematical questions, puzzles, etc. and these things can just give your mind the vitality that it needs to better solve the different problems and handle different situations that your mind is going through each day. Brain is the control of our body that performs so many important functions of our body from thinking, talking, movements of muscles, memorization and so on and on.

There was a study that was conducted in which it was determined that the individuals who prefer to live a dull life and do not involve in brain exercises are the ones who are most likely to get Alzheimer’s disease. We can easily understand as if we have a bicycle that is in the working order and then we do not use it, we will see that slowly and gradually it is going to get rusty and then a time will come when we would not be able to use that bicycle at all and that would be a part of junk, which is true. So by looking at this theory it is really necessary that we care for ourselves and bring our brain into action by working on the different brain teasers and crossword puzzles.

Now we are going to discuss the different things that will greatly enhance your brain ability and will make you a far better learner than any other individual. It is really important that you first understand its true importance because this will put you in the lead than the rest of the people who are not into making themselves go through the brain rush. The most important thing that you need to do is to bring about a change in your lifestyle. At this point I would like to make a note that intelligence quotient is not a permanent thing, it varies according to your brain capability, if you are not putting yourself through brain exercises just by thinking that you have a low intelligence quotient then you must know that it is something that you can increase very easily just by making yourself go through different brain exercises over a short span of time and you will see that your intelligence quotient is something that is building up really fast, much faster than you can ever imagine.

You can utilize math skills to improve your brain functioning. There are people who can calculate faster than a calculator and their understanding towards a thing is much faster than an average or above average individual. So you can just put yourself into calculating different things and can even explore Internet where you can find different math problems that you can solve and can learn a great deal from them.

Start focusing on the language skills. You can go through the newspapers and will find the different topics really interesting, just go through them and try to have a complete understanding of the theme of that topic. You can also find the crossword puzzles that you can work on and you don’t need to think that you are in a competition or something just take your time and find those things interesting for you so that you can keep working on them and then make it a habit and after that you can compete for time and you will see that you will be able to complete that in the given time and much before that. So just do not judge yourself for that in the beginning.

Another very interesting thing that you can adopt is to memorize one word or a quote depending upon when you have time to go through that and you can always make time for that. You will see that you are putting your mind to exercise the different things and that you can do it. There will be a lot of factors that will discourage you, but you need to know that you just need to keep on going because it will make you more confident on yourself.

You can explore the topic of your interest and can dig into it more and more and find new information that comes along and keep yourself up-to-date with it. This way you are going to see that you are learning more and more on a constant basis and that this is strengthening your knowledge and making you a whole lot confident on the things that you were not comfortable on before.

You can also work on enhancing your visualization powers where you can start to paint and imagine the different ways you want to express yourself. It is not necessary that you paint following the lines but you can paint in an abstract way and express yourself through different colors and this will just open up your mind to see things through different angles and that would enhance your capabilities greatly.

Along with all these words of advices it is also important to make a note that you eat healthy foods and that foods that are rich in choline, omega-3 fatty acids, as well as antioxidants. I hope this article will make you be the one that you have always wanted to be.


Diet Rich In Enzymes

It is mostly that we hear that we need to have a balanced diet that we should eat on a normal basis and must wisely eliminate the foods that are not good for our health. That is true but there is another aspect to diet that must be kept in mind and that is one should have enzymes in their diet because enzymes are the most important part of our dietary habits and they are responsible to help us digest our diet. There are a lot of individuals who feel that they are unable to eat meals properly because they feel bloated and feel that they are unable to digest the food properly, but the most important thing to consider here is that they might have lack of secretion of the enzymes responsible for digestion in their body. It is important that these individuals when suffer from problems with indigestion that they should consult their physicians and ask as to whether or not they are suffering from any enzymatic deficiencies in their body.

When you go to a grocery store, you always look for foods that have no fat grams in it and are high in proteins and are balanced in the carbohydrate content, as well as the necessary minerals, but have you ever seen if your food has the right amount of enzymes in it. I think some of you might but mostly people do not look for the enzyme content in their foods. It is because a lot of people are not aware of the fact that enzymes do play a very important role in digestion. There are a lot of people who are suffering from a lot of problems because of the enzyme deficiencies that include stomach ache, indigestion, constipation, allergies, diarrhea etc.

I know you must be thinking as to what enzymes are. Enzymes are protein molecules that are highly complexed and they take their energy from oxygen and then work on digesting the food. Enzymes catalyze the reaction at which the food is being digested and they just make the reaction go faster to many folds. If there is any problem with the production of the enzymes or absence of enzymes then the process of food breakdown gets slow and then causes a lot of problems in terms of constipation, diarrhea etc. One important thing that needs to be mentioned here is that if you are eating processed foods then these foods are going to take a lot of enzymatic activity to be broken down into the simpler form that makes them available for digestion by the cells. The basic reason that a lot of enzymes are required to breakdown the processed food is that these foods do not have a natural presence of enzymes in them, whereas on the other side the natural foods have enzymes present in them. So, the best choice is that the individuals must stress more on the natural foods that have the natural enzymes present in them and just do not deplete the enzymatic reserve in your body.

If the enzymes are depleted then the metabolic enzymes come into play and these then work toward digesting the food. There are a lot of other roles of the metabolic enzymes but when they start to work on digesting the food they are being taken away from a lot of the other major functions of these enzymes and these then cause a lot of disruption in the normal bodily functioning. The major effects that it would have includes weakening of the immune system, drop in the energy levels, and slowly and gradually the individual just starts to stress out and gets a lot fatigued. This is all happening because the metabolizing enzymes are working on another track than their normal.

Now you can easily understand as to what is happening with you only because there is decrease in the production of the enzymes or the habits in which you are eating a lot of processed food. There is a lot of discussion going on among people who are saying that would it be good if they would eat raw foods or undercooked foods. It is not good to eat raw foods or undercooked foods because these foods can cause a lot of health problems and it is therefore important that these foods should be cleaned thoroughly and cooked well. It is also important that the foods should not be overcooked because then it would just cause the foods to lose all the beneficial ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, as well as enzymes. The person who is cooking the food must take good care that everyone must have the enzymes as supplements if they are eating processed foods.

Another good suggestion by different nutritionists who guide people with their diet issues is that the people must add the vitamins, minerals and enzymatic supplementation to their diet and that whatever the issues that they have been going through will resolve and they will see a whole lot of benefit in their health. I hope this article would provide you with useful information and would definitely prove beneficial for your health.


Weight Gain Linked To Breast Cancer In Women

The researchers have been working to explore the links between the different factors and diseases and these researches have been proven to be very beneficial for a lot of people throughout the world and have been of great benefit to improve the lifestyle and adopt the positive lifestyles so that we all can be prevented from these diseases. This article is focused on a new research that tells us about the link between weight gain and breast cancer.

According to this study it was found that the women who have gained weight in their adult life are the ones who are at increased risk of developing breast cancer after they have gone through their menopause as compared to the women who were overweight since childhood or during their teenage years. This was also told that the women who were quite thin during their childhood years and were the ones who gained a lot of weight during their adult years are the ones who are at the risk of developing breast cancer and this was very concerning as there are a lot of women who are gaining weight in their adulthood and were very thin in their childhood years.
Since increased weight has known to be the primary cause of a lot of problems, which includes coronary artery disease, diabetes, degenerative joint disease, diabetes, respiratory problems, etc. Since all these problems arise from increased weight, we must do some remedy to put a check on our weight in terms of stopping it where it is and preventing it from the increase and curb the extra calories that we eat. It is very important that we all take the problem of weight gain very seriously because this can just lead to disastrous outcomes in our life during the later years and at that we might not be able to handle the situation than we can now.

The researchers say that they have known for long as to the fact that the obese women in their adulthood are more prone to develop breast cancer. The question that arises in the mind is that why does obesity greatly increases the risk of breast cancer in the women after menopause, the researchers say that they believe that there is excess of adipose tissues in the obese individuals and it is these fat cells that start to produce the estrogen in the women who are obese. Another fact that needs to be discussed here right now is that “estrogen greatly increases the risk of breast cancer.” It is also being added that there is decrease in ovulation of the women who are overweight and that ovulation is a cause that changes the breast tissue and it can increase the risk of breast cancer.

The researchers added that it was of great importance to know that when in life does weight gain becomes a risk factor for postmenopausal breast cancer. The researchers collected the data from 3,345 women who were from the ages of 50 to 74 and were the ones who were suffering from invasive breast cancer and they then compared these women with 3,454 women who were of the similar ages and did not have any breast cancer. The researchers contacted these women and collected a lot of data from them through different parts of the country and interviewed them on the phone and asked different questions so that they have the complete information so as to compile the data for the research. They also asked them about their weight at different ages so that they could make reliable charts and graphs to assess the link between weight gain and breast cancer.
It was found that the women who were lean at the age of seven were the ones who were at the greatest risk of developing breast cancer than the women who had been obese at that age. It was also found that with the weight gain after the age of 18 was also a very strong predictor of breast cancer risk after the menopause. It was also found that the women who became menopausal at their early ages say 20 years earlier and who had gained weight of about 66 pounds since age 18 are twice as likely to develop breast cancer than women who have maintained their weight.

The researchers also added that if the women who have become obese in the later years are in the worst situation and are the ones who are at increased risk of developing breast cancer and they also added that the best way to reduce the risk is that one should maintain the weight because if these women go on increasing the weight, the risk of developing breast cancer increases and this process can just turn out to be very fatal. Therefore maintaining the weight or getting it lowered is the most important thing that is needed. There was another study in which it was suggested that the breast cancer in about one sixth of the post menopausal women can be averted just by avoiding excess weight gain as an adult. In another study the researchers also added that exercise can also decrease the risk of breast cancer to a great extent. Therefore it is very important that the women in their adult years who have been gaining weight must take a strong check of their diet and exercise and should know the relation of this with the breast cancer and must work on either maintaining the weight or decreasing it so that they can have a healthy life.

The researchers have added that the women who have gained weight through their life and especially gaining weight around their abdominal area are the ones who are at an increased risk of developing breast cancer. There was also another research conducted in which there were 87,000 women ranging in the ages of 30-55. These women were being followed for over a period of about 26 years so that they could assess their weight change during adulthood. There were overall about 4,393 of the women who developed invasive breast cancer. The researchers brought to light the fact that the women who gained about 55 pounds or more since 18 years of age were about 45% more likely to develop breast cancer as compared to the women who maintained their weight. They also added that the women who gained about 22 pounds since menopause were also at an increased of the disease compared to the women who maintained their weight.

Thus by seeing all these researches and seeing the facts that are revealed through it, it is very important that the women must maintain their weight rather than gaining weight at an increased rate. It is very important that a lot of women must become aware of this fact and they should start to maintain their weight and adopt a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise. I hope this article must prove beneficial to a lot of women who are going to read it and will gain benefit from it.


Sleep And Memory Relationship

There are a lot of new researches and technological advancements are being made so that we can learn a lot of things from them and know what are the things are affecting our lives greatly and how we can improve them. This article will be focused on the relationship between sleep and memory, as there are evidences that the sleep affects memory and this can truly bring a huge change in the lives of people who are complaining of affected memory. In this article we are also going to discuss the different phases of sleep and their significance so that we can better understand the sleep patterns.

We all know that our sleep has two phases, one is known as Non-REM and the other is REM, whereas REM stands for rapid eye movements. It is being understood that the rapid eye movement sleep is a phase in which there are a lot of functions that are performed, which include development and restoration of the brain, synthesis of the neuro-proteins, as well as the coordination of the eye movements. To better understand REM we can learn that it is a phase that of sleep that occurs late in the sleep cycle and in this the brain and the body both become pretty active and in this phase there is also increase in the heart rate and the blood pressure. You might have seen people who while sleeping are moving their eyes pretty fast and you can know that they are in the rapid eye movement phase. It is in this phase that there is increase in heart rate as well.

If there is EEG, which is electroencephalography performed in the individuals who are going through a rapid eye movement, we will see that there brain wave patterns are very much alike a person who is awake and in these waveforms are a lot of beta rhythms. This period of sleep is also known as the dream phase where the individual is seeing the dream and this is the phase where the most dreams occur. The scientists Roffwarg and Musio, as well as Dement were the first ones who suggested that the rapid and repetitive firing of the neurons during the rapid eye movement sleep is associated with the growth of neurons, as well as their development. This concept then lead the foundation of the theory of dynamic stabilization in which it was mentioned that the information, which is either inherited or learned is being consolidated during the repetitive firing of the neurons in rapid eye movement sleep, which can have the same effect on memory as function use. It was also being proposed in this theory that the rapid eye movement sleep also increases the activity of the circuitry in the brain that usually remains dormant during wakeful period and these memories are something that we do not think on a constant basis but these memories become alive in the rapid eye movement sleep.

The researchers have done a lot of experiments on animals to see the link between the rapid eye movement sleep and memory. In an experiment it was seen that the rats that were subjected to learn tasks demonstrated increased rapid eye movement sleep after the tests and this showed that the learning induces the rapid eye movement sleep and it was also found that the rats who were given the tasks to learn went into rapid eye movement sleep at a very fast pace and were the ones who had gone through extra learning trials. Therefore it was concluded that the rapid eye movement consolidates the learning.

There was another experiment in which the scientists just paired the audible tones during the rapid eye movements in sleep of rats and when these audible tones were played during their wakefulness periods it showed that the rats were displaying the same learned behavior and it showed that those tones became a part of the memory and were displayed during the wakeful period. Therefore the individuals who have deprivation of rapid eye movement are the ones who show lack in memory and also perform poor in the memory tests of recall and logical tasks. Therefore the students who go through extensive studying during their examination must have good hours of sleep so that the information that they are going through becomes a consolidated part of their memory and if they will not go through a good night sleep then they will find that their memory will be affected and the knowledge that they have been going through from the books will be affected and will not be structured as they had learned them and will be lost in patches and will not be completely consolidated.

Therefore there are very strong evidences through these experiments that sleep aids memory and when a person goes through learning information in a day and that is combined with adequate sleep, then that individual is more likely to remember that information for a longer period of time. There were a lot of other experiments conducted by different researchers and in an another experiment there were about 60 healthy individuals who were sleeping at night and these individuals were asked to remember about 20 pairs of random words that include blanket and village.

One of the groups were given time to learn from nine in the morning till nine at night and they were not allowed to take any naps. There was another group who were given the words and they started to learn them from nine in the night and were given a time till nine in the morning and it was found that the individuals who slept for the night were the ones who were able to simply outperform their counter parts. The statistics showed that there were about 94 percent of the individuals who slept for the entire night recalled the words accurately whereas the other group made to about 82 percent who were able to recall the paired words.

Therefore through these different researches it has been very clear that a lot of people who are experiencing a decline in memory must have a good night rest and they will see that their memory will start to get better along with time and they will see that they have actually made a great deal of improvement in terms of remembering things that are of great importance that we have to do every single day.


People With Longer Legs With Lower Risk Of Heart Disease

There are a lot of researches that have proven a lot beneficial to millions of people throughout the world and it is of great importance for all of us to go through the researches, which tell us a lot of amazing facts that these researchers find out through a lengthy period of time. There are some researches that take years till the final results are revealed. Today our article is focusing on a research that tells us regarding the relationship of longer legs with lower risk of heart disease. This was pretty interesting to learn that the length of the legs is related to heart diseases.

There was a study conducted in which there were about 4,000 women who were being selected to be a part of the study and the leg length of these women were measured, as leg length is a strong indicator of the diet and living conditions involved in childhood. It was mentioned by the researchers that there are a lot of factors that are related to heart diseases such as age, obesity, smoking, diabetes etc., but the researchers also said that the risk of heart diseases in women decreased by about 16% for every extra 4.3 cm in leg length.

In this study, the researchers took different measurements, which include height, leg length, trunk length, as well as weight of women whose ages range from 60 and 79. In this study it was also tested as to the lung functions of these women and also to determine whether these women used to smoke or not or are currently smoking, as well as their social status. Since the heart diseases have a lot of different risk factors that are known therefore it is very important that those factors should be determined so that it could be found that whether these women have been having any of these factors that are relating to heart diseases. There were about 700 women out of 4,000 women who had heart disease and about 700 had a history of heart attacks. These were the women who were found to have poor lung function tests, had high cholesterol levels and were more insulin resistant and this factor of insulin resistance was something that can predict that these women can develop diabetes and these were the women who were from the middle class and were working women.

Even after considering all those risk factors, it was considered that leg length was also strongly linked the risk of developing heart disease in women. It was found that the women who had heart problems had leg length of about 746.2 to about 752.6 mm as compared to the healthy women whose legs were measured to about 757.5 to about 760.3 mm. The researchers also added that there were environmental factors that ranged from the birth to puberty and that they affected the growth of the bones of legs, which had a long term effect on future of heart disease risk. Another very important finding that was being mentioned was that breast feeding as well as high energy diets in early ages i.e. age of two years and the factor of being born in a family who have been unable to manage their finances and are ranked in the poor family can directly affect the growth of the child and thus it will continue to affect the health in a negative way until the nutritional status of the child gets better.

In the analysis it was also found that there was a direct link between the leg length and the intimal-medial thickness of the arteries, which is a measure of the thickening of the blood vessels that can tell the development of atherosclerosis as well as hardening of the arteries at an early age. The researchers also added that the walls of the carotid arteries were found to be thinner in the individuals who had longer legs, as compared to the individuals who had shorter legs and that these individuals with longer legs were less likely to develop the atherosclerosis in the blood vessels, as well as reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.

Therefore the researchers said that the leg length was directly linked to the intimal-medial thickness. This amazing research has provided a great deal of information to us that gears us to know the facts that can cause harmful sequence of events that can be looked for at the earlier stages of life and that can be combated at earlier times and that a great deal of care and prevention can be put into play such as careful diet and exercise so that the chances of developing such factors that can cause heart diseases can be prevented.

I hope this article has provided you with a good fund of knowledge and thus you can take the measures that are needed to prevent yourself from harmful diseases that can affect your health in a negative way. You can also contact your physician to ask them about this research and ask as to what risk status you rest on so that you can get the right guidance in order to prevent the heart diseases.


Bionic Brains

There are a lot of people who are living their lives in a living hell where they are praying that they must die because there is no hope for them to be alive. These are the people who are going through an ailment of some kind where they are suffering through every single moment of their lives. It is just so frustrating to live a life where they just cannot see because of retinal detachment and they know that they will not be able to see because there is no known treatment to help them and there are people who know that they just cannot move at all after they suffered an accident where they had fracture of their spine, which left them paraplegic. To tell you honestly it is very easy to say all that but the ones who are truly going through these things, they are just suffering day in and day out and we just cannot understand how much misery they are going through.
It is really very encouraging to know that there are scientists and researchers who are working day and night to find the cure of the problems that have really just crushed the life of the individuals. This article is based on a new research that has found a hope for the individuals who have been paraplegic and this is a great breakthrough for the patients who had spinal cord injuries. The individuals who are quadriplegic are now able to open e-mail, can surf the different channels on TV and can switch on the lights just with their thoughts and it is possible with the help of a brain sensor that is being placed in the brain that just translates the thoughts into actions.

An individual was being attacked with a knife and due to that he was left paraplegic in which he was unable to use his arms or legs, but now since he has been implanted with the sensor in his brain, he can now draw pictures with the computer program and can also play video games, as well as use a prosthetic hand to grab onto things. Isn’t this amazing that the person who had no hope at all is now able to live a life where he is able to start living his life all over again, with learning the new ways that are being devised for him to live a life where he is not dependent and where he is able to communicate with a lot ease. This is a giant leap in the development of new technology and since this is a new advancement, there will be a lot of other technological advancements that will be brought in that would improve these sensors and will be able to provide such individuals with a lot of hope and capacity to perform the activities of daily living.

Before this technology was being used in humans, this was being tested in monkeys and in that there were sensors that were placed and the monkeys were trained to use their mind power to control the cursor on the computer and they were able to control the cursor and that just raised the hopes of the scientists that this technology really worked and it will bring back the lives of millions of people throughout the world who have been living their lives with no hope at all. The researchers are of a thought that this technology will take a lot of time to be available in the market and that there are still a lot of experiments that are needed to be done so that they are able to give the best version of the product so that people can have the maximum benefits from it and that this will not stop there and that there will be a lot of changes that will be done so that much better results can be obtained from them.

The researchers added that as of now the people who were paraplegic are able to use the computer with the sensors placed in their brains and to use their prosthetic limb to grab onto things, which is in its very early phases and that they are looking forward that these individuals just start to live a normal life and that everything can be done very smoothly. They also added that there are a lot of tasks that we do every day and we take all of that for granted. Do we know that when we lift an egg, how complex of a maneuver it is, but we just don’t know. This task becomes complex because there needs to be a very precise force that needs to be applied to lift the egg and if that precise force is not applied, then the egg will just break. They said that they are working on that as well so that these individuals can perform very refined movements as well.

This is a great hope that we have with this research knowing that one day there will be much powerful sensors that would enable these people to live their lives in a totally normal way and this was something that was not present before and people had no hope at all, but now people have hope and they know that they can do something about it. The individual who received the brain sensor was able to activate the motor cortex even after three years from being paralyzed and this was something that was really interesting for the scientists and they are hoping that people who have been paralyzed for longer periods of time can have a new life with these sensors and will be able to live a better life. It was also being added that these sensors will not only be helpful for people who had severe spinal cord injuries through which they had been paraplegic, but it would be useful for those who are suffering from damage to the muscles, nerves, as well the individuals who are survivors of strokes and also the individuals who are suffering from the muscular dystrophy.
Where this research is a big hope for all of the people who are suffering, it has its negative aspects as well. The sensor that is being implanted in the brain can work for a few months and since this is being implanted in the brain, it requires a surgical procedure to take that sensor out and then placing back a new one or recharging the same one and these are very big tasks that need to be worked on.
The things which were thought to be science fiction are now a reality and that is a big hope for the people who are living a life dependent on others where all of their dreams were just lost in hopelessness can now have a life full of dreams and thanks to all the researchers and scientists who are working on them through day and night to bring such an excellent breakthrough to all the mankind. Special thanks to all of the researchers and scientists.


Women Must Not Work Long Hours

In every society whether it is North, South, East, West, women are playing a very major role. We do not have to go anywhere to see all that clearly, we can see that all in our homes where a woman is working for so many hours each day. The day starts in the morning when the children are up, fixing the breakfast, take the kids to school, doing the chores, going to a job, picking up the kids from school, coming back home and fixing the lunch for the kids, help them finish their homework, planning on what to cook for dinner, and so on till the kids go back to sleep and the women have been seen working for almost the entire day where they just are able to get a sleep of about only five to six hours.

There was a recent study that shed light on the fact that women who work longer hours are more likely to get themselves into the habits of snacking, drinking caffeine, smoking, drinking, which is just due to the stress that they are in because they work longer hours and this puts a very negative effect on their life. This life pattern is something that just goes on and on till the kids are of an age where they able to take care of themselves and it is then the responsibility of the mother just comes to a little lower level and the work and stress on her end just goes down a bit. The women all over the world are in such routines. Some women are doing a job and some women don’t and the women who are not doing any jobs do find some time where they are able to find some time available to them and less stress, but again the responsibility of raising children is the biggest responsibility that the women are taken responsible for.

There are a lot of women who were being questioned as to what are the different things that they would want in their life so that their responsibility level just goes down a bit and they are able to manage the different things in a much better way. Most of the women said that they were not happy because of the fact that they are doing the best as they can but they do not hear a single word of appreciation and they are just being blamed for the different things that go wrong. They said that there are so many things that are on their mind but there is no one except them who wants to do them. The one thing that was coming out as a common was that the women were getting no help from their men and instead they were being blamed that the children are not being raised the right way, the chores are not being done the way they should, the food is not cooked and a lot of other blames that are being thrown on them.

Well if we see things from the aspect of women we will see that they are working long hours and that they are the ones who are suffering from a lot of abuse and that is affecting their life a whole lot for them to indulge into the unhealthy habits of drinking, smoking etc. It was asked from these women as to what are the different things that can be done so that the level of stress is reduced and they can adopt a healthy lifestyle and they said that they only need a pat on the back that they have done good and a little of help that can be given to them from their men and they said that it is all that they need because their lives have turned really sick with a constant bickering and they are even living in more stress and it is just that their patience is running thin with every single minute that passes by.

The researchers found out that the women who are working for longer hours are the ones who are eating a lot of snacks that are high in fat and sugar, and along with that they are exercising less and are drinking more caffeine than their counter part male colleagues who are working with them. One can say whatever the bad habits they adopt they are just going to go to the extremes of them and that they are just accepting their lives with whatever the bad patterns they have adopted with a denial that they need any change in that. On the other hand it was also found in the study that the working hours for men did not cause them to indulge into any bad habits and it did not impact on their level of exercise, smoking or caffeine intake.

The researchers pointed out that since the women are under a whole lot of stress, this just changes their behavior towards a lot of things and one of those things is their eating habits and this just tends to hurt their health in a lot of ways. It is also being said that men enjoy working longer hours because they get self importance through that and that they can say that they have worked longer hours so that they are unable to help with the chores, which just puts a lot of extra burden on the women. This is something that is very much affecting the lives of the women because they are just pushed under a whole lot of responsibilities and that they are unable to take care of themselves and this just puts a very negative effect on their lives.

It is also being said that these women when are too anxious or are emotionally labile, they just switch their attention from that aspect and put their attention more on eating so that they do not have to think of the factors that are causing them to be anxious. The researchers said that it is just a way for them to escape from the thoughts that they are going through and that is why they adopt these unhealthy habits because it is their way out.

I just want to send this word out to the men who are reading this article is that they need to put in as much as they can into helping their women because they need them and they should not be left alone because if they are left alone then they will see that it will have a negative impact on the entire family and it will only worsen things out and that will not be good for the children or the couple and this will just make the matter worse and will create a whole lot of distance among everyone.


Find Yourself A Partner

There are different people with different lifestyles that they prefer to live in, there are some people who prefer to live alone so that they are able to find the most time for themselves and that they can do whatever they want to do and they do not have anyone asking them the different questions that they do not like at all. These people are the ones who actually do not like any intrusion in their life at all, but still people need people to live their life in a healthy way. It is very important to note here that the people who are living in their 50s and 60s are the ones who are the most affected living their life in total isolation.

Isolation is an environment where the individual is living all alone and when they come home they have to cook their food, wash their clothes, fix the mess in the house, but the most important thing that should be noted here is that these people do not have any one with whom they can share their feelings or thoughts, they are just hearing the echoing of their own sounds and just keep the things inside themselves. For some people this situation might be very satisfying, but I think for a lot of people this thing can be just a killer for them. For people who depend on people need someone to be with them and live their lives with and this is something that they need very badly.

The worst part is that when people need someone the most, it is at that point in time at the ages of 50s and 60s that people are living an isolated life. An isolated life for these people who are depending to share their emotions and feelings are living a very depressed life and depression is the root cause of a lot of problems that could be disastrous to these people. I believe that if you are a person who want to live in an environment where you love to spend your time to share your feelings and emotions with the person or people you love, it would be very depressing to be in a home that is all quiet, where everything is just so depressing and this is something that is taking the life out of you. Every single day is just a burden and this just very seriously affects the mental health of an individual. If you are a person who is not the kind who wishes to live alone, then you must be find yourself a partner whom you can live your life with.

There have been a lot of researches that have been carried by the researchers who are trying to find out as to what are the effects of the lifestyle of living alone on these individuals and especially the people who are in the age group from 50s to 60s and it is not only the men who live alone but also women and both of these make a big community of people who are living a life in isolation. It would not be wrong to state here that there are people who are very happy to live their life in total isolation and always wanted to live that lifestyle but just never had the opportunity and they are the ones who are very happy with how they are, but on the other hand the other group of both men and women are living a very distressing life being alone.

According to the recent research that was being conducted showed that the people who live alone are at double the risk of developing heart disease as compared to the individuals who are living with a partner. It was also added that these individuals are also more prone of developing the problems of severe angina as well as heart attacks and this includes both the men and women. It was also added that these individuals who are living alone are living a very stressed life and it is because of this that they are leaning more towards developing habits that are really devastating to their health when they need to concentrate the most towards a healthy lifestyle so that they are able to prevent from developing any serious illnesses. These individuals who are living alone are also the ones who eat poor diet and then ultimately suffer from a lot of diseases. The negative lifestyle includes excessive smoking, drinking, not taking care of their personal hygiene, not eating at regular times and thus they are at a risk of developing a lot of serious illnesses.

The researchers stated that they studied about 1000 people who were elderly and they found that there were about 646 people who were found to suffer from severe heart problems and had heart attacks and there were also individuals reported to have died from the condition known as acute coronary syndrome. Therefore on the basis of this study it was established that the relationship between age and living alone was one of the strongest reason to predict that the people from these age groups can really suffer serious medical conditions. There was also a very stunning data that stated that the women who were over the age of 60 years were a total of about 5% of the entire population but the startling finding was that they were making one third of all the deaths from the acute illness they were suffering from within the 30 day span of their diagnosis. On the other hand men who were of the age of 50 years or above made about 8% of the entire population but accounted for about two thirds of the deaths from acute illnesses in the 30 day span of diagnosis.

Therefore the major thing that accounts for the death of these individuals is the bad habits that they adopt such as smoking, poor eating habits causing them to have increased weight gain and cholesterol and depression. Another really important thing that needs to be mentioned here is that these individuals have either a very small or no social support group at all and it was also mentioned in the study that the individuals who were living alone and had a good social network were the ones who were enjoying a very healthy life with a pretty healthy lifestyle. I would conclude on another very interesting finding that the scientists have found on the factor of living alone and that was that there were monkeys who were kept in an isolated environment and during that study period it was found that these monkeys were the ones who were at a very high risk of developing atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of fat accumulation in the vessels that can lead to severe coronary disease leading ultimately to death.


Misconceptions On How High Sugar Meals Affect Us

Children eating unhealthy foods are on the high rise. We see children snacking on high sugar foods, burgers; French fries etc. and we just do not feel as to whether they are eating healthy or unhealthy. It is generally becoming a part of a trend that most of the people around the globe are following especially in the United States. People who care for what their children should eat mostly say that if their children would eat high sugar foods, as well as oily and greasy foods is that they will gain a lot of weight, but in reality these parents do not know that their children would not only gain weight but they will also be going towards a lot of degenerative diseases that they can be going through when they will enter their adulthood. This is something that most of the parents just do not know at all and things are just getting worse for these kids day after day. If parents want to take care of their children, they should not let them eat the food that is unhealthy for them so that their children can live a longer and a healthier life than the kids who grow up into adults who suffer from a lot of problems as they grow up.

There are a lot of researchers who have been involved in finding how the children are affected with the unhealthy diet patterns and there is a new study that suggests that eating of the high sugar foods trigger the release of a lot of damaging substances into the blood and they said that it is not necessary that the parents get their children to whatever they want to eat but they should be taking care as to what is best for their children and should not just get them everything that they ask for because there are a lot of things out there in the market that are just not good for their kids at all because they can just lad their kids to a lot of health problems as they progress towards their adulthood. The researchers also said that as to what trends your kids will be in now, they will just follow those trends and their life will be truly miserable, it might be something that will appear in the later years of life and that would be very hurting for you and your child, so it is very important to develop better behaviors at a younger age.

The parents should educate their children as to what are the healthier foods that the children can eat. A very important information that the parents should know and pass on to their children is that there are high glycemic foods and low glycemic foods and all foods have a glycemic index, which tells as to how fast the body burns and turns the food into energy. The foods that burn very quickly are the foods that have simple sugars in them and the foods that burn slowly are high in fiber. The high glycemic foods are the ones that burn very quickly and raise the level of blood sugar pretty fast. In reaction to that the body just releases large amounts of insulin to push that blood sugar into the tissues and that causes the blood sugar level to go down and that is why there is a feeling like energy crash after eating foods that are high glycemic foods.

On the other hand the foods that are low glycemic foods burn very slowly and cause the blood sugar level to rise at a very slow pace and thus the body just does not need to manage that situation on an urgent basis and this just leads the body to have the sugar in a controlled level and that is why an individual does not feel a crash in energy as one experiences with high glycemic meals. When an individual just have a high glycemic food one can see a very high rise in the energy and as soon as this energy gains its peak, it is as soon as the energy goes down. With the high rise of glucose in the blood there is development of a lot of ATP molecules. The formation of the ATP causes the production of oxygen free radicals that are very dangerous and causes damage to the cells. If the oxygen free radicals are not checked, then this can lead to the development of the chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancers, as well as depression. This damage just also causes a lot of problems in the arteries, heart, lungs, brain that ultimately leads to the chronic degenerative illness.

As a defensive mechanism, the proteins neutralize the toxic effects of the oxygen free radicals and that those oxygen free radicals are not dangerous. Therefore it is pretty obvious that there is very less consumption of the high glycemic foods and thus through this we should prevent the chronic degenerative diseases that can arise at a very young age. It is also really important that the parents and the kids must eat foods that have the antioxidative properties in them. It is to be noted here after going through all the facts and figures that the foods that the kids eat are the foods that are high glycemic foods and we can see as to how these foods are affecting their lives and if you want your kids to be healthy you must be sure that the kids are eating healthy foods and not the foods that are the high glycemic foods.

We must educate our kids and tell them as to what are healthy lives and how we can be healthy and what is the importance of the foods that we eat and what effects it bears on us and how we can improve and learn as to the foods that are going to keep us healthy and will make our lives much better. The education that you are going to pass on to your kids is something that your kids will pass on to their kids and this will then pass on from generation to generation and your generations will be thankful to the healthy lifestyles that you are going to teach to your children.

I hope that this article is going to help a lot of parents and will change the future of a lot of children and I hope that all of you have a happy and a brighter life.
