Mice Tells More About Stress

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There were recent studies conducted on mice in which the scientists wanted to learn as to what happens when small mice is being bullied by larger mice. The scientists have learnt that this kind of interaction of the smaller mice that are being bullied by the larger mice results in the genetic changes in the brain and this would help the scientists learn as to what are the things that would happen in humans who are being bullied upon.

The different psychological analyses among different individuals who have been bullied by their fellows have brought about one fact in the wide open and that is common among all is that they go through a constant feeling of fear and as seen in the case of mice that this can cause genetic changes in the brain and this will help the researchers to learn more about depression and other mental illnesses.

The study suggests that the part of the brain is linked to addiction, which plays a role in illnesses that are characterized by chronic anxiety and social withdrawal. The researchers found a substance in the brain known as BDNF that seems to be the causative agent in controlling the response of whether the bullied mice will turn into fearful The experiment suggests that a part of the brain linked to addiction also plays a previously unsuspected role in illnesses characterized by chronic anxiety and social withdrawal, Texas researchers report Thursday in the journal Science. In fact, a substance produced in the brain, called BDNF, seems to be the culprit, controlling whether the bullied mice turned into a fearful loaner or not.

This finding helped the researchers understand a lot of the myth lying as to how people develop behavioral changes that affect them throughout their lives.

The researchers conducted a study in which they subjected the mice into a very aggressive environment, which was identical to the environment of the wild and these mice were placed in a cage with the aggressive large white mouse and that mouse just battled them and make them move to one corner of the cage. After that the researchers moved the mice in a separate cage that was separated out by a white glass from the white mouse and there was no obvious danger to these mice, but they saw and felt the danger pretty closely and then these mice were subjected to meet a new bully for about ten consecutive days.

This just brought about really drastic changes in the behavior of the mice and they were seen to move away from mice who were presumably friendly little mice.

The chemical, BDNF, is a chemical, which is important for the growth and maturation of nerve cells. According to the research there are some antidepressants that are thought to increase BDNF levels in the hippocampus, boosting neurons.

It was also found that too much of the BDNF in the mesolimbic system was really bad, which is a dopamine pathway. The mice that were bullied were found to have increased levels of BDNF and that just in turn switched on several hundred genes located deep in the front part of the brain and this then resulted in the unusual gene activation paralleled the animals’ social withdrawal.
The scientists then injected the mice with a virus that just simply shut off the BDNF production only in this region of the brain and they then repeated the bullying experiment. It was shown that the mice who were lacking the BDNF did not become scared, as they did not know how to respond to emotional threat.

Scientists say that it is really good to understand this phenomenon and said that it is really good that we have this pathway so that we can understand and react to such conditions and know as to what and who is the cause of such feelings that we are going through.


Kids Suffer From Parents Fights

There were recent studies conducted that showed that the parents fighting, even if they are of a moderate category can produce very negative affects on the lives of children, which disrupts their sleep and have a very negative impact on the day to day activities of the children.

The fighting between parents just damages the children in many ways. The kids are intelligent and they can feel and understand the things that are going around them. If their parents are keeping silent and are not talking to each other, the kids feel that too and it is not that they cannot understand as to what is going on around them.

The kids understand that their parents are unhappy with each other and are not giving positive vibes. When you ask the children as to how they are feeling, they will say that they feel distressed, angry and fearful. This is how they feel when they are going through a stressed relationship of their parents. This really destroys their personality in a very bad manner.

There have been recent studies that were conducted to see as to how the interaction of parents affected the lives of children and it was focused as to what is the point that the adults are going through a stressed relationship where the children start to experience emotional distress in their lives.

There were some other studies that were focused as to how the sleep of the children is being affected if their parents are going through a stressed relationship. This study was conducted on 54 healthy children who were lying at the age level of about 8 and 9 years old, who were interviewed about the relationship of their parents and it was found out on tracking their sleep that the children whose parents even have the moderate levels of conflict are angry and go through anger outbursts and have lost about 30 minutes of sleep per night. It was added that this loss of about half an hour in sleep can prevent the children from getting into the different stages of sleep where they really need to rest.

The lack in sleep just results in anger and irritability the other day and is really devastating for their health.

On interviewing different children it was found that most of the families were going through a great deal of marital problems and in many of the families there was a whole lot of verbal abuse and being sarcastic among each other most of the times.

There was another study in which they kept track of about 223 children who were about 6 years of age and also their parents to see how the conflict of the parents affected the lives of children and their emotional behavior. It was found out that the children were suffering from emotional difficulties as their parents were involved in hostile attitudes among each other and was causing a great deal of damage to children.

The researchers also worked on finding out if the constant conflict environment that they had gone through just wears out over time and have no affect on them or they just are troubled throughout their lives, and it was found that those children were remained troubled at the same level that they were or they have reached increased levels of aggravation and are very irritable.

It is also being said that when the kids are being exposed to high degree of conflicts among parents, they do not get used to it, but they become more and more sensitive and they react very harsh to it.

The most important thing that was brought about was that the parents must not abuse each other in front of their kids and if they are going to resolve some their issues, they should do that in front of their children, so that the child knows that their parents are now feeling good with each other, which will make them feel a whole lot comfortable.


Know The Warning Signs Of Health Of Your Aging Parents

As the children are the assets of their parents, the parents are an asset to their children too. Your parents have cared for you when you were a child and in their old age they are a child too in which they have short nerves, they like peace and want things their way, just as you did when you were a child. You must make sure that your parents stay healthy in their old age. You cannot take care of your parents sitting miles away, but it should be your first priority that whenever you visit your parents you must ask about their health and find out as to what you can do to help them in anyway.

You must take notice of the following things that I will be mentioning in the paragraphs below so that you are able to make that a practice in your life as to looking into the things so that you can asses their health.

Just make sure that your parents are not losing any weight. It is a general concept that people think that they are losing weight and this is the indication of achieving health, but in reality losing weight can be a real problem and it might indicate a significant health problem such as cancer, dementia, malnutrition or gastric problems. It is important for you to know that loss of weight is not always linked to illnesses, there can be times when your parents might not feel like cooking or finding lack of energy to do that. You must talk with your parents about the concerns that they are going through so you could have a better idea as to what is going on. You can find the ways with your parents as to what foods are appealing and how they can get food on the proper time according to their meal plan.

The next thing that comes in the slot is that you must know as to whether your parents are safe in their homes or not and is the home fall proof, the lights are working, the air-conditioner and the heater are working, the yard is well maintained or not, you can just see all these things by just observing the surroundings to see how well the things are being taken care of. You must see the level of the hearing and sight of your parents and how well they are or are their senses deteriorating, because you can easily judge that by talking with them. If there is a loss in hearing or sight, then your parents at an increased risk of hurting themselves.

You could also check whether your parents are forgetful about the things that have been discussed and are they putting the food on the stove and forgetting about it, leaving the iron on and not shutting it off and this would tell you as to the memory level that they have right now and that they are getting forgetful of what they were doing or discussed.

You must take a serious look on your parent’s appearance and see if they are well groomed and whether they are taking good care of their health and hygiene or not, are their clothes clean or not, you can get a lot of ideas from how well your parents are taking care of themselves.

It is very important that you see as to how are the spirits of your parents and how they feel, whether they feel down or they feel really good and alive in themselves. You can look for signs of depression in your parents and can always help them turn around and look at the bright side of life. You must ask your parents as to what are their daily schedules and how are they going with their friends or their social circles, do they go out from time to time or not and you can tell them that you have plans for them to come and stay at your place.

You must see as to whether your parents are complying to deal with the problems they are going through. You can motivate them and make them realize that the things can be taken care for and you need them to be happy and lively. If you see that your parents are not complying, then you can talk with their doctor and see what can be done and are there any services that could help your parents out. So you must take serious steps in those regards.


Help Your Loved Ones In Their Last Days

The toughest time in our lives is that when we come to know that our loved one is departing from this world. This is the time that is totally draining someone mentally and emotionally and leaving them blank as to what they would do. In this scenario, you can prepare yourself and you can help make your loved ones feel really good and happy in their last days and knowing as to what you can do to reduce their anxiety as the time comes near.

There might be some common signs and symptoms that you will come across when you will see a person die in which you will see the signs of irregular breathing, confusion, restlessness, loss of appetite, seeing people who have already died, and these can be very distressing for you, but you should know that these are the normal signs of the dying phase.

You can always be near to your loved ones and can help them reduce their anxiety when the news breaks out as to the time that one has to live. Usually the doctors predict that time that the person has and since no one can exactly predict that time, the doctors tell that the individual has some months, weeks or days that he or she is going to survive.

You must ask your loved one as to what are their wishes for the last phase of their life and you can have conversation with them. These conversations can be difficult and pretty uncomfortable, but this will provide your loved one to express themselves and any wishes that they have that they want fulfilled.

If your loved one wants to be moved to a nursing home facility, you must consult the doctor to see as to what you can do in terms of moving your loved one to the nursing home, and can check whether the Medicare and the Medicaid covers the cost of admission into those institutions. You can discuss this also with the social worker to see what options are there for you.

You can also seek religious or spiritual guidance for your loved one at the end of life time and they can find peace inside themselves and are more calm and are able to overcome their anxiousness.


The Morning After Pill

There was this interesting case that was brought forward in which there were three women who sued the Wal-Mart for not keeping the morning after pill in Massachusetts.

There was a new law that took effect last year in which there was a heated debate among the lawmakers in which they said that it must be necessary that the hospitals provide the morning after pill to the rape victims, this also allows the pharmacists to dispense the pill without a prescription.

This lawsuit is being back by the abortion rights group who argue that Wal-Mart is defying the state policy, which requires all the pharmacies all over Massachusetts to provide the medicines that are commonly prescribed and this group wants the compliance with the regulation of the state.

The lawyer of the plaintiffs said that the Massachusetts pharmacies are required to stock all medications that are commonly prescribed to meet the usual needs of the community.

On the other hand, the spokesman for the Wal-Mart said that the company not chooses not to carry many products for business reasons.

The spokesman also said that if the Wal-Mart pharmacy does not have the prescription, then the pharmacist is instructed to refer the customer to a different drug store.

The Wal-Mart spokesman also said that they are not keeping that drug in any of the stores in any other state.

The way that morning after pill works is that it provides a high dose of hormones that the women can take till five or six days, which will prevent pregnancy. There are some people who oppose abortion state that contraception is another form of abortion because it works to block the fertilized egg from being implanted on the uterine wall.

The plaintiffs who tried to take the morning after pill were turned away when they tried to buy the contraception pill at the Wal-Mart stores in their areas.

One of the doctors’s stated that the women should not be refused of the emergency medications that they need.

This case has just caught a lot of publicity these days and people are awaiting to see as to how this case would shape in the coming days.


Radiology Departments, Not The Safest Place

The researchers said that the most dangerous time in the hospital is that to when the patients are being taken from their room to the Radiology Department for a test or a procedure.

According to United States Pharmacopeia, which is a nonprofit organization that sets the standards for the drug industry, they say that the harm to the patients is seven times more frequent in the radiological services than in other hospital settings.

The researchers said that the patients must ask whenever they are being taken from their room to another location as to where they are being taken, and what is the purpose of their visit to the other department they are being taken to.

The researchers also added that they hope that their report will help the hospital system to find better ways to examine the problem and find as to how to minimize the errors and they should raise a red flag at the times when the patient is going to such departments where the chances of errors in patient handling are high.

There are different reasons as to why the harmful errors can take place in the Radiology Department.

There are a variety of reasons that harmful errors are much more likely in the radiology suite. These comprise of receiving potentially fatal drugs such as dyes, sedatives, blood thinners, and at that point their care is being handed off from department to another and there are a whole lot chances of communication error that can occur and this can result in harm occurring to the patients.

Therefore the major thing that occurs in patient handling among different departments is lack of communication among them.

The Radiology Department performs different studies, x-rays, tests, procedures, which include cardiac catheterization and diagnosing heart problems.

The experts added that the data that was being brought up was surprising, as this has not received a lot of attention and there is a whole lot of work that needs to be done to minimize fatal errors.

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Medical Errors Are Reduced Through New Drug Labels

Recently the Food and Drug Administration announced that they are going to overhaul entirely the drug labels on the drugs that contain information, which is all confusing to the patients and they hope that this will reduce the injuries and the deaths being caused by it.

It was also said that it does not affect the drug information sheets that the patients receive, but they said that it will change as to how the drugs will be advertised and may offer liability protections to drug makers.

According to the stats there are about 300,000 people that are injured and there are about 100,000 who are killed every year from the medical errors and they said that prescribing errors is a major cause of this.

The data also suggests that only one in ten physicians routinely read drug labels, which gives the complete information about the drugs, its side effects and benefits. Even after reading the drug labels there is very little information that the doctors gain from that.

The doctors even say that the labels are a whole lot confusing and there is tons of information that one can find there but it is all jumbled up and one can get easily confused.

Now according to the Food and Drug Administration, they say that the drug labels will now have highlights section that will summarize the important information that is needed to prescribe the drug safely. They also said that this new section will also list safety warnings and also summarize the recent changes. It also mentioned that this section will also add the advice as to how to use and write the dosage of drug and as to what the doctors must tell their patients about the drugs.
The doctors mentioned that avoiding preventable medication errors is a major issue and this is a major step making this possible in the future.

Another important thing that the drug agency added was that there is an estimate of about $4 billion to $4.8 billion dollars that are spent on medical errors and can be avoided by providing all the information necessary to the doctors to prevent those errors and this can be achieved through better labeling of the drugs.


Kids Teeth Could Be Harmed With Cough Syrup

According to a new study that suggested that the children should brush their teeth after they swallow their cough syrup.

The researchers added that there are medications that are of a lot of help to the patient’s health, but they can be very bad for the teeth, so therefore one must maintain good oral habits at bedtime.

These findings are based on a study that involved a cough medicine that is involved in treating respiratory allergies. It was found that the syrup was pretty acidic and it had no fluoride but only a small amount of calcium in it and these are all the factors that could lead to tooth erosion.
In the study the team of researchers collected samples of tooth enamel and they dipped it in various solutions so as to stimulate the normal oral setting during the 24 hour period of time for about 10 days. The researchers found that the antihistamine syrup led to erosion in a few of the tooth samples to which the antihistamine was applied to, whereas the tooth samples to which the fluoride was applied showed signs of protected enamel and thus showed its capability of decreasing the effect of an erosive product.

The researchers wanted to warn the parents that they need to be aware long term use of the cough syrups that are acidic in nature can result to increased risk of tooth decay.

This effect of acid on teeth can occur in the same way if the children drink orange juice at nighttime, which leads to have them increased sugar, increased attack from acid producing bacteria and this leading to increased risk of decay.

The decaying can be prevented if good dental habits are maintained, so it is truly important that regular brushing is done so as to prevent the decaying of teeth.

The researchers also added that there is very little risk of decaying if the kids are on the cough syrups for a very short period of time.


Take Your Temperatures Cautiously

A study was conducted by the nurses of University of Virginia where they mentioned that the mothers are right when they say that do not eat or drink anything before you take your temperature.

When we eat or drink, our temperatures change from baseline and this gives a false reading of our temperatures.

The research participants were given cold and hot beverages, and it was noted that the participants who consumed cold beverages, it took about 15 minutes to get their temperatures back to baseline, where on the other hand the participants who had hot beverages, it took them about 23 minutes to get their temperatures back to baseline.

Temperature is a vital sign that we take in an individual among blood pressure, respiration and pulse rate.

It is very important that the correct temperature is being recorded, as the variation in temperature is because of some pathologic process that is taking place in the body. Therefore taking the accurate temperature is one of the basic things.

The researchers also suggested that when a person plans to take their temperature, the individual must not be involved in any activities that may change body or mouth temperature and one must not exercise, smoke or chew gum before taking the temperature.

These researches have laid the foundation of evolving newer data and to identify ways as to how the health system, diagnosis and management and treatment can be delivered in the best possible way.

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Inhaled insulin

There has been a recent development in the mode of delivery of the insulin treatment where the patients who are suffering from diabetes can now administer insulin in their body through inhalers and not have to inject that in their body.

During the last few weeks, the Food and Drug Administration has approved the new inhaled insulin that was being produced by Pfizer, a pharmaceutical company, which came in the market with the name of Exubera, which is the insulin treatment both for type 1 and type 2 diabetics. This is a new alternative that is there for people to use as it is pretty easy to get the required dosage of insulin through inhalers. This alternative is there for about 5 million people in America.

The pharmaceutical company, Pfizer, has not yet disclosed the price of the drug, Exubera. The company is thinking to bring the drug into the market in about six months or so. There is a general opinion by the analysts that this drug is going to be much expensive than the insulin injections. According to an estimate, the price of the drug, Exubera is expected to be at a price of about $4 a day, which is about three to four times more than the daily cost of insulin that is being administered through injection.

In order to briefly discuss about diabetes, it is a disease in which the insulin production is affected, which produces an imbalance of the sugar control in the body. The mechanism with which the Exubera works is that it is inhaled into the lungs and then it gets into the blood stream and controls the sugar in the blood. The pharmaceutical company says that the patients will be taking this medicine before each meal or at least three times a day to control their blood sugars.

As a word of caution, the doctors stated that there is no data yet to support the history and efficacy, as is established in case of injections; the people who are using the inhaled medicine should use this medicine cautiously.

Since Exubera is a high priced drug therefore it is going to be a lot expensive for the consumers to use, though on the other hand the insurance companies that are providing the prescription plans to their clients would prefer older remedies over the newer ones, as the new modes are expensive. If these medicines would be on the list of the companies, these medicines would be in an expensive tier, which is known as formulary. In this process the patients had to copay as high as $40 to $50 for Exubera, where for the injected insulin it would be $10 to $25.

Since the insulin dosage varies among different patients, each prescription of Exubera will include about 30 days of insulin.

This new discovery is going to bring a whole lot ease for the people and will improve the lifestyle and quality of life of a lot of people.
