Arthritis Drugs And Cancer

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There is information that is taking air at a very high pace, which is that the use of the rheumatoid drugs may increase the development of the cancer and serious infections in individuals.

The medications that can cause the development of cancer include the Humira and the Remicade. It is being said that these medications can triple the chances of causing the cancer and the chances of getting a serious infection with these medications is double. The chances of having cancers or the serious infections in the individuals depends on how higher the dosage is being taken.

There were some analyses drawn which I would like to put in front of you. It was said that for every 154 patients who are taking this drug, the doctors believe that the chances of development of cancer is in one out of every 154 patients in about 6 to 12 months. The individuals who are expected to have infections gets to about 59 out of the total number of patients treated in a year, which is in a time span of about 3 to 12 months.

According to the study there were about less than 1% of patients who developed cancer. These results were brought about when the researchers put together the data of about nine different trials that was involving about 5000 patients. In this study, the patients had been randomly assigned the drugs.

The drugs Humira and Remicade treat the different inflammatory conditions, which include rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory disease of the bowel known as Crohn’s disease, as well as psoriasis, which is a skin condition. These drugs are being given to individuals who do not get any benefit from any other medicines or therapies.

The mechanism of action of these drugs is that these drugs are antibodies and their function is to stop the anti-inflammatory effects, which they do by blocking the tumor necrosis factor or TNF, which is an inflammatory protein. There are about 500,000 people who are currently using these drugs to treat the various inflammatory conditions.

It is being stated that the people do not need to quit these medications, but the doctors must be prescribing these medicines at lower doses so that there is a decreased chance of developing cancer or any serious infections.

There was another comment concerning therapies with these drugs was that the individuals who are taking these medications must be screened for cancer so that the chances of developing cancer can be ruled out.

These drugs have made possible to better the life of a lot of individuals, but they should be pursued with extra precaution.


Headaches Due To Medication Overuse

Headache is the most common medical condition that almost everyone goes through in their everyday life. There are a lot of causes of headaches and they range in severity from being mild, moderate and severe. The most common step that people take when they are suffering from headaches is that they will use medication that will take the edge off pain.

A lot of times these medications benefit the individuals and they will find that their pain goes away with the administration of the medication, but there are times that even when the medication is being taken, the pain does not go away. It might be because they have developed tolerance to the medication that they have taken to relieve the pain or they have developed rebound due to the use of analgesia.

This is a vicious circle in which no matter how many pain killers an individual is taking, the pain would just grow and grow and would not go away even after taking painkillers to abort the pain. This condition in which the headache pain becomes worse even after taking the headache medications excessively is known as medication overuse headaches. Another name that can be given to this condition is known as analgesic rebound headaches.

The medications with which the headaches can occur include aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen and naproxen. It is best that when the individual is suffering from a rebound headache, one must change the medicine so that they can prevent themselves from the precipitating rebound headaches.

Headaches are a very irritable phenomenon where the individual cannot focus, gets irritable and just feels to be left alone, does not like the lights, noise etc., which are pretty aggravating and can thus increase the intensity of the pain.

People who have been going through these headaches say that they have been through hell suffering from these headaches and they really need to have something to abort them because they are just unable to focus on anything in their lives.

Just to be in the shoes for a little while, how did you feel when you had that throb in the back of your head or how did you feel when you had that headache that was covering your head as a band, I believe these were the feelings that made you feel really bad and you just wanted that episode of headache to end.

You just need to know that if you are having a headache that is not being relieved by the same painkillers that you are taking, then you need to change the medication and hopefully you will be able to get out of the clutches of the pain.


Cancer Free Baby

There has been a remarkable step that is being taken in the world of medical sciences when a couple decided that their child must not inherit the genetic makeup from their parent that would led them to develop the cancer at any point in time in his or her life.

This is a revolutionary step that is being taken by the specialists in genetics, as well as the decision by the parents that has made it possible for that child to not suffer from cancer that runs in the family genetics.

The cancer that they wanted to prevent from passing on to the child was the eye cancer and the study shows that there are about 90% chances that the child will suffer from the eye cancer.

The couple achieved the pregnancy through the process of IVF, which is also known as in vitro fertilization, which means that the sperm and the ova are being fertilized in an environment outside of the body and it is then that the doctors were able to screen the genetic material and were able to remove the genetic material responsible for the eye cancer. So in this process only the embryos were transferred to the womb of the mother that were unaffected.

After this study, it would be possible that the children can be made free of the cancer that runs in the family, and thus they will be able to live a healthy and a happy life. This is a major step that will be causing a breakthrough in the lives of millions of children throughout the globe who could have suffered from the problems with cancer if they were not being treated genetically.

Another very important thing that needs a mention here is that the genetic reading is a very expensive thing and with the passage of time this will become cheaper enough that a lot of couples are able to use this technique to prevent their children from suffering through the cancers that run in their families.

This is a major breakthrough that will change the lives of millions of people throughout the globe. I hope that these tests and services get into the affordable range of the different people and children can be saved from such deadly cancers.


Overcome The Problems Of Sleep Disorder

A lot of people in the world are suffering from disorders of sleep and hence their lives have turned out to be really miserable. When was the last time you felt that you are feeling fresh the time you wake up, can you recall that. If you cannot recall having a restful sleep, then you must know that you are suffering from a sleep disorder in which you are not having enough rest and feeling fatigued.

We are living our lives in a very stressful era where the minutes and hours are all tied up together and we do not have enough time at our end until the day ends and another day starts. In such hectic times, we need to understand that our performance and our sharpness of our skills depend a lot on how good we sleep. If we are unable to sleep or have a poor sleep for one day, this means that our whole week is affected where we are feeling down and drowsy and this is truly very dangerous if one is driving.

Then when we take a good sleep, our body feels rested and we feel that we can perform the tasks at hand at best. This is really very important for us to know that we need to take a good enough sleep every night to be able to be at our best in performing the activities of daily living. Because if we do not, we are unable to concentrate and that would result in us being too irritable.

Lack of sleep can occur because of many factors such as loss of job, divorce, being not able to catch up with daily tasks, anxiety, etc. If a person is suffering from lack of sleep then it can cause depression and other medical problems such as significant variation in blood pressure, loss of libido, increased fatigue, irritability, mood swings etc. This all is happening only because of lack of sleep. It is important for us to note that all of these things are happening just because of lack of sleep. There are a few things that you can adopt in your life to make sure that you get a good night sleep.

1. You must not go to bed hungry, do have a little snack about an hour or so before you go to bed so that you are not going to sleep on an empty stomach, as this can be a cause of lack of sleep. Also do not eat spicy foods before you go to bed or at dinnertime because it can cause increased heartburn and this can lead to a painful condition, which will prevent you from falling asleep.

2. Do not drink plenty of water before you go to sleep because it will keep waking you up and will cause you to have frequent visits to restroom and will break your sleep multiple times at night, therefore you just need to not drink plenty of water before you are going to bed.

3. Avoid taking products that have caffeine in it such as chocolate, sodas, tea and coffee. All these products that have caffeine in it are stimulant and thus can cause you to be awake for a number of hours and will prevent you from going to sleep.

4. If you are a smoker, you must not smoke before you go to sleep, as cigarettes has nicotine in it, and nicotine being a stimulant will prevent you from having a good night sleep and will keep you awake for a couple of hours and will take away those precious hours from you that you could have slept and had a restful sleep.

5. You must make sure that you have the right environment for you to sleep. There are a lot of people who can only sleep if they have a dim light or no lights at all before they sleep so that they are able to initiate their sleep cycle.

6. Just do not have an alcoholic beverage before you go to sleep because alcohol causes snoring and sleep apnea and this will disrupt your sleep throughout the night.

7. It is important that you do not get anxious before you go to sleep, for example, do not do any office work before you are going to rest that causes you to have anxiety spells or will make you nervous. This will prevent you from having a good night sleep and you will wake up unrefreshed and with a bad feeling.

8. Do not do any physical activity before you are going to bed because this will take away the feelings of needing to sleep and will make you feel like you can be up for hours and this will just disrupt your sleep wake cycle. Therefore it is really important that you do not exercise before you go to sleep.

These are little things that you can do to improve your sleep habits and can help you live a better and a healthier life.


Cure For Baldness

Baldness is a problem that raises concern in both the male and the female circles. There are a lot of different remedies that are being proposed to individuals who are suffering from baldness. The therapeutic options include homeopathy, aromatherapy, herbal therapy, acupuncture and dietary therapy, as well as hair implantation therapy.

The homeopathic approach is considered a safe mode with which one can prevent suffering from the side effects of the medicines. Homeopathy just uses the natural route that contains the use of the organic substances such as fluoric acid, lycopodium, kali carbonicum, kali sulphuricum, natrum mur, phosphorus, selenium and tissue salts that are used according to the diagnosis of the condition. It must be known that the approach of the homeopathy is a very slow route and is something that cannot be used by someone on its own but rather is an approach that is being done by the professionals in which there is the use of accurate dilution ratios.

The aromatherapy is said to have beneficial effects in people who are suffering from baldness, but this is a very small circle that has got the benefits from aromatherapy. The oils that are used to treat baldness includes the oils that are being extracted from the bay, cedar wood, grapefruit, the jojoba oil, lavender, rosemary, thyme etc. It is being said that these oils when applied on the scalp can arrest hair loss and stimulates hair growth.

There are herbal therapies that are said to benefit people who are suffering from baldness, the herbal products that are said to benefit baldness that include aloe, arnica, brahmi and mulberries. The professionals who work in herbal related therapies include the ancient Indian discipline known as Ayurveda that includes massaging as well as ingestion of the herbal therapies.

Another very important aspect of treating the baldness is dietary modification in which the diet patterns are adjusted, which allows the individuals to have improved dietary intake, which results in prevention of hair loss. The diet that helps in providing cure for the baldness includes the foods that are rich in minerals, which include silica, iron, as well as calcium and zinc.

Another mode of therapy that helps in providing a cure for the baldness includes acupuncture and acupressure. The professionals of this discipline believe that the baldness is directly related to the blood purity and also on the basis of the health of the organs, as well as the sexual health. There are a lot of people who belong to this profession and are providing help to a lot of individuals in this regard. If you want to know more about the therapy offered by this discipline, you must contact with the professionals to help you understand the discipline.

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New Study Showed That Bird Flu Can Spread Through Cats

According to a new research, the scientists have said that there is a more likely chance that the bird flu, which can be a horrendous nightmare for the entire world. The scientists have learnt that the cats can be the ones who are more likely to catch this disease and can pass on the bird flu to the humans and there can be a lot greater chances of mutation in the cats, which would make the situation go much more worse than it is now.

The researchers have said that the spread of this infection is something that the world does not know as of yet and as of now is really underestimated. It was also found that cats can catch the bird flu pretty easily that can get transferred through either eating the infected birds or coming in close contact with them.

The researchers said that it is pretty important that keeping in view of the hazard that the bird flu can pass on so rapidly, the cat owners are asked to keep their cats indoors so that there is a least chance that the cats come in contact with the birds, so that it can be made sure that the cats do not catch the bird flu.

It has also been notified that none of the human cases of bird flu where the ones that had contracted the bird flu from cats. The researchers also mentioned that since the cats shed very less of the virus than do the birds, but the close contact of the cat owners with their pets can put them at risk too.

The researchers also mentioned that after the wild birds and the poultry, the next ones to catch this disease are the cats. So it is a must that the cats must be kept indoors in the endemic areas to prevent the spread of the bird flu infection.

The cats can get infected through their respiratory tracts if they eat the infected food or if they come in contact with the infected cats as well. The cats can also be responsible for the spread of the H5N1 virus to the other species. The cats can provide this virus a ground to mutate and change to a more dangerous type, which can put the humans at more risk.

This is the time that we must understand the grave nature of this disease and the potential risk and hazards that it holds and the effects that it can cause on the humans all around the world. If for any reason this becomes a pandemic, then the world will be going through a very huge crisis and there are a lot of deaths that can be reported throughout the world. In UK, the authorities are getting ready for this pandemic by digging mass graves because they think that if this spreads, then there would not be much time to make the graves and prevent the catastrophe from rising high.

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Living With Cancer


Cancer is a deadly clinical condition, which when is being diagnosed in a person just puts them in a state of shock. In this article we are going to discuss the different things that one can do while they are suffering from cancer.

Control Your Life While Suffering From Cancer

Introduction: You can control your life even after you are being diagnosed with cancer. Below we are going to list the things that will help you manage the crisis that you are at this point in time of your life.

1. Drink Plenty Of Water: You need to drink plenty of water as this will help you to eliminate the toxic ingredients from your body and is a big help while you are taking all the toxic medications such as chemotherapy etc.

2. Get A Change In Your Look: You can change the way you look by getting a shorter hair cut because while you are going to take the chemotherapy, the hair will fall and this will not be a big change or a difference when you already have gotten your hair short.

3. Cut Out Caffeine From Your Diet: You need to cut out the caffeine from your diet, as caffeine increases heart rate as well as it causes increased problems with diarrhea. Remember that the caffeine is also present in the cola drinks so you need to avoid them as well.

4. Check Your Temperatures Regularly: You must check your temperatures regularly to see whether you are suffering from any infections or not. If you are in any case having high temperature, you need to contact your doctor and tell them that you are suffering from high temperatures and give them the readings that you have recorded so that they can know your vitals accurately. People who are suffering from cancer are prone to have viral infections.

5. Eat Three Times A Day: You must remember that the kind of the treatment that you are on, you need extra strength to fight off cancer. Another important thing that you should know is that the medicines that you are on are going to make you weak and for that matter you need to eat three times a day and must eat regular meals and not eat less. Most often the problems that the individuals face while having chemotherapy is they have feelings of nausea, which is a side effect of the cancer chemotherapy. These symptoms will just get worse if you are not going to eat the food that you must eat to avoid these symptoms.

6. Make Changes In Your Lifestyles: You need to know that the treatments that you are going through are going to make you weak, therefore you need to make the certain changes that you need to have to improve the work efficiency such as placing a chair near your iron stand and ironing your clothes while sitting and you can place a high stool to wash your dishes etc. It is very important that you go through these changes so that you can make sure that you are going to have a better work environment in which you are not going to make you feel fatigued but you can do the things of daily living pretty easily.

7. Cool Plenty: It is good that you cook plenty because with that you would not be needing to cook every day and thus can save yourself time and energy.

8. Get A Good Mouthwash: It is really important for you to know that with the cancer therapy, one can develop mouth ulcers and for that matter you need to have a good mouthwash to prevent mouth ulcers from arising.

9. Keep Yourself Upbeat: It is really important that you not let yourself go down because there will be a lot of points when you will go down and fearful of the situations but you need to diffuse all that by taking your mind off from those things and indulge yourself in watching movies, enjoy doing the things that you do etc. to make you feel happy and upbeat.

10. Sleep As Much As You Can: It is really important that you take an hour or two more sleep than you normally do because there are a lot of healing powers in sleep and you must take as much as you can to give you time to recover from the brunt of the chemotherapy and the other toxic therapies that you are going through.

11. Spend Time With Friends: You must spend time with your friends and enjoy your time and share as to what are the feelings that you are going through and how you are coping up with them and you will find that you will be getting a lot of strength and support from them.

12. Kill Your Pain With Painkillers: It is really important that you manage your pain with the painkillers and not bear it, as with the medical advancements that are being made these days, there is no need to bear your pain. Consult your doctor and ask him if you are unable to bear your pain.


I believe that the article is going to help you find the ways as to how you can improve your life and get yourself in an order so that you are able to balance the things properly and able to fight the cancer as it should be. I believe you will be much better in a few days and keep believing in yourself and don’t give up because your strength is something that you derive from inside and keep praying as it will give you more power.

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Heart Attacks


One of the leading causes of death in the United States is from cardiac diseases and from those problems, heart attacks, makes to the top. The cases are rising every year and this must be taken into consideration as to how we can minimize the chances of heart attacks in individuals and save the lives of thousands of people.

Signs And Symptoms Of Heart Attacks:

Heart attack is a condition in which there is a sudden impairment in the function of heart. The signs and symptoms that are reported when an individual suffers from heart attacks include discomfort and pain in the chest, excessive sweating, nausea and vomiting. When the condition gets into a full swing, the individual can lose consciousness as well. If left untreated then the individual can die.

Why Is Heart Attack A Pretty Serious Situation?

The heart attack is a pretty serious situation where the heart cells are not getting the food, which is blood and oxygen and this leads the heart to go into abnormal or impaired activity, which just puts an individual to the risk of life. This situation is risky because the heart muscle starts to die out and the damage that is being done to the heart muscle is irreversible and just leaves a scar tissue in a focal area where the blood supply is being impaired. It is very important that the individual who is suffering from heart attack must get the immediate medical attention or he or she can lose their life.

What You Should Do If An Individual Suffers From Heart Attack?

If you see any individual who is going through the above mentioned symptoms, then you must call 911 so that the paramedics can immediately monitor the situation by doing ECG and blood tests and administering the appropriate medications so that the life of an individual be saved from certain death.

The Life Saving Medication In Heart Attacks:

Generally the cause of heart attacks is the impaired blood supply to the heart muscle, which in turn leads to the death of the heart muscle, which needs to be restored as quickly as possible because if the blood supply is not restored, then death can be certain. The cause of the impaired blood supply to heart is because of a clot of blood being trapped in a blood vessel supplying the heart and this clot that gets trapped needs to be dislodged, which is being done through either the process of thrombolysis or angioplasty.


Heart attack is a very lethal situation and must be dealt as an emergency. It is very important that the individual who had had a heart attack before, must be monitored for the factors that caused the heart attack the first time so as to prevent a second heart attack, cause the second heart attack can be lethal.

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Red Wine Best For Periodontal Disease

According to a latest study, red wine is good for health. The red wine works in preventing and treating the inflammatory periodontal disease. Periodontal disease occurs mostly in older people.

According to a survey, periodontal disease affects about 65% of the Americans who are over the age of 50. The dental disorder, periodontitis, occurs as a result of progression of gingivitis, which includes inflammation and infection of the ligaments that provide support for the teeth.

Furthermore, periodontitis is an infectious disease, which is progressive and affects the gums and bones that form the supporting structures of the teeth. This then leads to loosening of the teeth and they then move and are ultimately lost.

The experts notified that there are 80% of Americans who are suffering from some type of gum disease, which can be present in a very mild form, which is gingivitis or can be pretty severe, which is termed as periodontitis.

When the inflammation of the gums is left untreated, which is known as gingivitis, then this leads to the development of periodontitis. In this, the infection and the inflammation spreads from the gums and involves the ligaments and the bones that support the teeth. When the support is lost, the teeth eventually fall out.

It is also noted that in adults the major cause of loss of teeth is due to periodontitis. This disorder is rare in childhood but increases in adolescence. There is also a problem with the formation of plaque that accumulates at the base of the teeth. When the inflammation occurs, it forms a pocket between the teeth and the gums, and then the plaque and tartar fills in this gap and the plaque is then deposited in them.

With the progression of the inflammation, there is destruction of the tissues and bone, which surrounds the teeth. The plaque contains the bacteria and because of it there can be development of the tooth abscess due to which there is increased bone destruction.

The products that contain polyphenols have been shown to have very positive effects on the periodontal disease and according to the recent studies, the red wine particularly the grape seeds have the anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties and they prevent the heart disease as well.

The researchers have found out that the polyphenols present in the red wine have the antioxidant qualities. In periodontitis there is increased production of the cytokines by host cells that is caused by the periodontopathogens, which is said to be responsible for the destruction of the tissues that support the teeth and the macrophages play a major role in the inflammatory response.

Thus with this study the anti-oxidant properties of polyphenols present in the red wine can be very useful to prevent and treat the inflammatory periodontal diseases along with the other disorders that are related to involve free radicals.

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Oral Cancer Detected By Saliva Based Tests

There was a research conducted by the American Association for Dental Research and they said that it would be possible to diagnose the oral cancer and the Sjogren’s syndrome, which is an autoimmune disease that presents itself with the symptoms of dry eyes, dry mouth and rheumatoid arthritis, would soon be able to be diagnosed with the saliva based tests.

The researchers said that if they are able to detect the cancer at an early age, for example a cancer detected at stage 2 rather than stage 4 can increase the survival rate of an individual to about 5 years. It not only would increase the survival rate, but would also provide an individual with a much improved quality of life.

There were about 350 individuals whose saliva samples were tested, who were suffering from the oral cancer and healthy individuals. It was found that the seven messenger RNAs that are used to develop proteins were increased in the individuals who were suffering from oral cancer.
It was on these findings that the researchers were able to develop a test that was fairly accurate in detecting oral cancer.

It was also stated that the tests would be very useful to screen the individuals who are at risk of developing oral cancer, smokers and alcohol drinkers and individuals who are above the age of 45 years.

The researchers found that the saliva of the healthy individuals could be differentiated from the individuals suffering from Sjogren’s syndrome due to the presence of varying concentrations of proteins.

It was also stated that this test would allow the physicians to diagnose the patients more easily, allow them observe as to what happens to the salivary gland of patients suffering from Sjogren’s syndrome, as well as to develop treatment to control the disease.

In order to diagnose the Sjogren’s syndrome, it requires biopsy of the salivary gland and that has to be sometimes repeated. The researchers have been hoping that there could be a way that Sjogren’s syndrome be diagnosed in a non-invasive way and this can be possible now.

The researchers used different tests to measure the protein profiles in saliva from the normal individuals and 41 individuals suffering from primary Sjogren’s syndrome.

The results showed that the inflammatory proteins that were about eight, have increased about two folds or higher in the saliva of the patients, while other two proteins were decreased. The researchers believe that nourishing these proteins in the artificial saliva will help to treat the symptoms of dry mouth more effectively.

[tags]oral cancer,diseases and conditions,health care,sjogren’s syndrome[/tags]
