Cranberries Prevent Cavities

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This research can help millions of people all around the world to prevent cavities from forming and maintaining an excellent dental health. The thing that can prevent cavities from forming is Cranberries and is actually providing multitude of benefits for teeth.

Through an already conducted research, Cranberries are known to help severe urinary tract infections, and now according to the new research prevents tooth decay and cavities.

During the winter months, Cranberries sauce is a staple that is being made with foods, especially on Thanksgiving Day. Cranberries help protecting the urinary bladder from bacterial infections and now according to this research also prevents the teeth from formation of cavities.

They prevent the building up of plaque forming on teeth from bits of food, saliva and acid that harbor bacteria that can lead to infections of gum and decaying of teeth.

The researchers are hopeful that they will find more compounds that have the protective properties like Cranberries in preventing the decay and maintaining dental health. Scientists are also suggesting that these substances can be added to toothpaste or mouthwash.

As there are benefits that we can get from Cranberries, there are also adverse effects that are there. One of the basic adverse effects according to researchers is that the food industries processing Cranberries add lots of sugar to it and that is what most people cannot take because of their diets they are maintaining to control obesity or preventing their sugars to rise as in patients with diabetes, etc. Apart from this, it also contains excess of acids in it that can ward off essential minerals in teeth and those are the things that are preventing researchers to spread the word regarding Cranberries to be used by people.

The researchers then performed a study in which they coated a synthetic substance, which was like an enamel called as hydroxypatite with cranberry juice, after that they applied the bacteria, which were streptococcus mutans, and glucan, which is a type of enzyme and they left it for about seven months till they are able to achieve the results on that, and the results showed that cranberries were about 80% effective in protecting the teeth.

There is still a lot of research that needs to be done on isolating compounds that can be really effective for people suffering from dental problems and that also involves several clinical trials before the compounds can be brought in the market for everyone to get benefit from.

Tooth decay is one of the most common conditions among Americans, second only to the common cold, according to the NIH.

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Enhance Your Memory

At this day and age the most common thing that we encounter among people is their lack of remembering things and forgetting of what they were going to do next, which leads them to make them think as to whether they are going through some organic mental illness or disease.

On the basis of this a research was conducted so as to determine why there are memory problems at such a large-scale encompassing the entire globe. The main essence of their research revealed that we should filter out useless information, which we hold onto in our minds, which can increase our capacity to remember things that are of real importance to us and not hold onto things that can be managed other way around.

For example, if we have user name and passwords for e-mail accounts, bank accounts, login information of different sites etc. we can just write it down and save it in a secured folder so that we don’t have to remember it and can access it whenever we want to, thus not loading our minds with excess information, but only with the ones that we need to run our activities of daily living very smoothly.

Scientists say that our visual working memory does not depend on extra storage space in the brain, but depends on the ability to ignore the irrelevant information.

It was believed till now that people who have high visual working memory had greater storage, but again if we start keeping irrelevant information in our brain, then the information will start bouncing off of our mind, and we would not be able to recall the things that we need to, but our minds would start wandering into different chunks of information but not the ones that we need, which leads into heightened frustration at that point in time.

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Heart Patients – Beware Of Thrilling Rides

There are many risk factors that are laid out for people who are suffering from heart diseases such as diet high in cholesterol, high blood pressure, lack of exercise etc., but there is also a pretty important factor that is being researched regarding patients suffering from heart diseases, which is that they should not go through any thrill rides such as roller coasters or fun rides, which are high speed.

The basic way with which these rides effect the human body is increased heart rate and thus this can result in heart attacks and irregular heart rhythms and can ultimately lead to sudden cardiac death.

In order to back their research, the team of scientists asked for volunteers who were made to go through a roller coaster ride and among those volunteers were men and women. During the roller coaster rides, the volunteers showed to have a tremendously increased heart rate and in about 44% of the volunteers it increased to an extent where it caused irregular heartbeats.

The researchers said that about 44% of the volunteers who had irregular heart rhythms had been in that state for about five minutes after the ride.

The researchers also asked the operators of the roller coaster to keep a defibrillator on hand just in case if any of the people having a joyride might develop into a sudden cardiac arrest.

The researchers also added that there are a whole lot of people who have cardiac problems, which are not yet diagnosed as of yet and they are the ones at the highest risk of developing severe irregular beats or either going into a cardiac arrest, and people who feel that they cannot go through such rides, MUST not take them, as this could be pretty disastrous for them.

Your health guide – beacause health is wealth.


Better Circulation Through Olive Oil

According to a new research, Olive Oil serves to maintain a healthy circulation. This research reveals the fact that there are certain nutrients present in this oil that have very healthy effects on circulation.

These nutrients that work on keeping the circulation healthy are known as phenols. Their major functions through which they keep the circulation healthy are anti-oxidative, antiinflammatory and anti-platelet effects and hence the foods containing phenols prove to have positive effects on the blood vessels.

This research is a big breakthrough in preventing a huge number of people dying from the vascular diseases of heart in North America. This study can not only help the people suffering from the vascular diseases of heart, but can also prevent this from being developed in a large number of people.

This study also suggests that intake of foods, which have high content of phenols in them can greatly improve the health of vessels of heart, which in turn can help and protect heart from the horrendous effects of blocked vessels.

There was a study conducted to prove the research on a total of 21 volunteers. The researchers’ basic approach was to see how the blood vessels would react with the oil, which is rich in phenols and an oil that doesn’t have phenol in it.

The participants who were given the oil rich in phenols were seen to have blood vessels that were responding pretty well after a high fat meal diet and the participants who were given the oil with no phenols had no difference in function of blood vessels and the blood vessels functioned poorly.
There was also a mention of the fact that nitric oxide that dilates the vessels had reduced levels after the use of a meal high in phenol.

Based on the above facts, people when buying olive oils should go for the labels saying “virgin” or “extra virgin,” which has the highest phenol content.

Your health guide – beacause health is wealth.


ASTHMA ATTACK – Five ways to control it

Asthma can slip out of control from time to time. Asthma attacks are not always severe and life threatening, but you should always act quickly when your asthma symptoms get worse. If you are getting a bad attack of asthma, take the following five steps:

  • Take up to five puffs of your reliever inhaler straight away. If you use a spacer device, it will make it easier to take your medication.
  • Keep calm and try to relax as much as your breathing will let you. Sit down, don’t lie down. Rest your hands on your knees to help support yourself. Try in slow your breathing, as this will make you less exhausted and then wait for 5-10 minutes.
  • If the symptoms disappear, you will be able to go back to what you were doing.
  • If the inhaler has no effect, take another couple of puffs and contact your local doctor or call an ambulance.
  • Keep using your inhaler every few minutes until the doctor arrives and see your doctor after the episode is over to review your asthma management to prevent further attacks.

Hope these tips are helpful in controlling your asthma attacks. Remember to take proper measures to reduce the asthma attacks.

Your complete guide to asthma including causes, treatment and more.


The Y Chromosome and Blood Pressure

The many differences between men and women depend on the most fundamental distinction of all: Only males have Y choromosomes.

The Y chromosome is good for many things, but it may not be so good for blood pressure. European researchers have identified a genetic defect on the Y that is linked to elevated blood pressure readings.

The genetics of hypertension are complex. Many genes are involved, but at least one is unique to men. It doesn’t mean that hypertension is a man’s disease, but it does mean that some men may have to work harder to keep their pressure down. A healthful lifestyle is the place to start; it may not be macho, but it’s the manly thing to do.

Guide to Blood Pressure, low blood pressure, and high blood pressure treatment.
