The basics about lasikMost people would love not to require contacts or eyeglasses. People who have needed vision correction for many years may not even remember what it is like to live without the hassle of having to rely on contacts or eyeglasses just to get through daily activities. In addition, these vision correction devices have disadvantages. Neither eyeglasses nor contacts can give a person the clear vision that someone who does not need vision correction has. An answer to this problem has been developed. In 1998 a procedure was introduced to give people the opportunity to stop being dependent on corrective eye wear. This answer was lasik eye surgery. Lasik has developed through the years with advances in technology and information gathered from research. To really understand lasik eye surgery knowing the basics is essential. Lasik is an acronym that stands for Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis. The procedure was designed to improve vision in people that require some sort of vision correction. It involves a permanent change in the shape of the cornea. The cornea is the clear lens that covers the pupil in the eye. The cornea is responsible for taking light and converting it into images. When the cornea is not shaped correctly it causes distortions or blurriness in what a person sees. By changing the shape of the cornea during a lasik procedure it then focuses better which results in more clarity in what the person sees. To fix the cornea, the lasik surgeon uses a special laser. This laser removes tissue in the cornea to reshape it. The procedure is usually done on an out patient basis. It is relatively short normally less than 30 minutes. Lasik surgery is still surgery, so it is important to know about any risks that are involved. Overall lasik surgery is safe, but as with any surgery there is the possibility of complications. It is important to know if you are a good candidate for this type of surgery so that you can undergo it without the likely hood of complications setting in. Patients with some diseases are at an elevated risk during lasik. Obviously diseases of the eye should be discussed with your surgeon, but other diseases could affect your surgery also. Any disease that affects your ability to heal or affects blood clotting should be discussed with your surgeon. Other safety concerns to think about are finding a surgeon that is competent at lasik surgery. Lasik surgery can go very wrong if the surgeon does not know the proper techniques and procedures. Also ask questions about your surgeons background, such as lasik training and how many procedures they have done. Your surgeon should make sure you understand all the possible risks and what the possible outcomes can be. You should not have any questions in your mind once you start the procedure. Another major consideration when it comes to lasik eye surgery is the cost. Lasik can be very expensive. Most insurance companies do not offer payment for lasik because it is considered a cosmetic surgery. Prices vary from surgeon to surgeon, or clinic to clinic but the average you can expect to spend is $1000 per eye. Many surgeons and clinics do offer financing options that would help you fit the surgery into your budget. You can also check with your employer for any special health benefits they may offer to help cover the cost. Lasik should be considered a purchase, where you get what you pay for. While being able to pay is important, keep in mind that you are going to be creating a great clear future for yourself. Lasik eye surgery is a big decision. Understanding the procedure can help you feel more comfortable with the whole process. Talking every concern and question over with your doctor will not only make you more informed but also help you to get to know your surgeon better and begin developing a trusting relationship with them. Figuring out how to pay normally is the biggest hurdle in this process, but there are many financing options available. Lasik can change your life and could be an investment that changes your future for the best. What to know before getting lasikA fairly new procedure Lasik was first approved in 1999. This procedure corrects the shape of the cornea. The cornea is the clear lens in the front of the eye that takes in images and transfers them to the retina where they then go to the brain, and then producing vision. The cornea not being correctly shaped creates problems with blurry or distorted vision. This results in myopia, presbyopia and astigmatism. Lasik starts by cutting the cornea to get to the inner layer. Then using a laser this layer is reshaped. Then the surgeon lays back into place the flap of the cornea that was cut. This is the basic foundation of lasik eye surgery. Vision problems such as myopia, presbyopia and astigmatism are problems that Lasik surgery can help correct. The ideal result is that the patient no longer will need contacts or eye glasses. A person should talk with their surgeon prior to getting Lasik surgery. This will help them understand the risks, possible results, the procedure and what they can do to help ensure the surgery is a success. The beginning of lasik surgery is the consultation. It is at this time an eye examination is preformed to look for any problems or eye disease. It is also at this time, the correction that is needed gets determined. Also if available a newer form of lasik surgery called wavefront may be used. Wavefront uses a special mapping process on the cornea. This mapping shows a much better detail of the cornea and the surgeon can see exactly what repairs are needed. The surgeon then will talk with the patient and get a medical history. They will also discuss risks and possible outcomes of the surgery. They will answer any questions the patient may have. This provides a better picture for the patient to make a decision on the procedure. After the consultation and exam if the patient then decides to go on with the procedure, they will receive instructions to prepare them for the surgery. These instructions need to be followed and the after surgery instructions are of extreme importance. Since the cornea is not stitched or secured in any way it is very easy for it to become wrinkled or move which will cause some serious after effects which will create even further vision problems. These aftercare directions need to be followed exactly and if any confusion or misunderstanding is present they need to be addressed prior to surgery. Lasix eye surgery is the same as any other surgery and should be approached in the same manner. Essential to satisfying results is to have all the information about the procedure. Someone who is tired of relying on eyeglasses or contacts may see this surgery as the breakthrough they have been waiting for. |
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