Cancer Types

Cancer can occur anywhere in the body. This is because cancer is caused in cells and every part of the body has cells. There are, however, some types of cancer that are more common than others. How common a cancer is depends upon how many people are diagnosed with it. In order to be considered a common cancer there has to be a certain number of diagnosis per year.

The following are the most common types of cancer, in no particular order:

  • Breast
  • Prostate
  • Lung and Bronchus
  • Colon and Rectum
  • Urinary Bladder
  • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
  • Skin
  • Kidney and Renal
  • Pancreas
  • Oral, head and Neck
  • Ovary

Of these cancers, non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common. Half of all cancer diagnosed in the United States is this type of cancer. The least common cancer is thyroid cancer.

The following list is based upon figures from the American Cancer Society for 2005. It lists the estimated percentage of death for some of the more common cancers. These percentages are solely based on figures that listed the number of diagnosis and the number of deaths for each cancer. No other considerations were made about treatments, gender or age. Some cancers with high death rates are due to the fact that they are hard to diagnose, so catching them before they are serious is difficult.

  • Deaths from pancreatic cancer 99%
  • Death from lung cancer 95%
  • Deaths from esophageal cancer 94%
  • Deaths from ovarian cancer 73%
  • Deaths from multiple myeloma 71%
  • Deaths from all leukemias 65%
  • Deaths from colon cancer 54%
  • Deaths from stomach cancer 53%
  • Deaths from all cancers 42%
  • Deaths from uterine cervical cancer 36%
  • Deaths from kidney cancer 35%
  • Deaths from all lymphoma 32%
  • Deaths from bladder cancer 21%
  • Deaths from breast cancer 19%
  • Deaths uterine cancer 18%
  • Deaths from anal cancer 16%
  • Deaths from melanoma 13%
  • Deaths from prostate cancer 13%
  • Deaths from testicular cancer 5%

It is clear by looking at these figures that cancer is serious and fatal. In some cases even the best treatment cannot stop the cancer, so that is why preventing cancer is so important. Everything a person can do to prevent cancer is one more step towards preventing death by this horrible disease.



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