Mythology about Treatment and Risk FactorAnother group of cancer myths address risk factors. There are plenty of rumors swirling about regarding what causes cancer. Many of these myths are based upon the misunderstanding of a scientific report. Many are blown out of proportion and cause people to focus too much on the myth and not enough on the facts. Here are some myths about risk factors: Cell Phones Causes CancerThis myth came about because some studies of rare brain tumors showed there may be a link. The key here, though, is the brain cancers are rare and the evidence only showed a very slight link. This original report was released, but quickly a new report was released stating there is no risk in using a cell phone. In addition, many people extend this to other electronics, like microwaves. There has been no conclusive scientific evidence of a link between any electronics and cancer. Bug Sprays Cause CancerBug sprays that are for household use have not been linked with cancer when used properly. Remember, the amount of exposure is one part of a risk factor, so a person using household bug sprays correctly is not going to be at risk because they are being exposed to a small amount of the chemicals. This also includes a myth about pesticides used for fruits and vegetables. Again, the amount of exposure is too low to cause a risk for cancer. This myth leads many people to shy away from fruits and vegetables, which are great cancer fighters. Grilled Meat causes CancerThis is a myth that does hold some truth, but it has been greatly exaggerated. The truth is that blackened grilled meat does pose a slight cancer risk because chemicals produced during grilling that are considered carcinogens do get into blackened meat. This can also happen during broiling and pan-frying. However, meat that is cooked to be done, but not burnt poses little or no risk for cancer. Using Antiperspirant causes Breast CancerThis myth came about due to a study that found parabens, preservatives found in antiperspirants to be linked to breast tumors. Further studies revealed that enough evidence did not support the risk and it has been ruled that antiperspirants do not cause breast cancer. Tampons can Cause CancerThere was concern over asbestos and dioxins found in tampons can cause cancer in women. The FDA, however, regulates tampons and states they are safe for use. There is, in fact, no asbestos in tampons. This is just a myth. Plastic Containers used to Heat Food in the Microwave can Lead to CancerSome studies have shown that the carcinogenic substances in plastic may leak into food during heating. However, plastics that are designed for use in the microwave do not pose this risk. So, if you want to use plastic containers to heat food in the microwave then it is fine as long as you use containers designed for that purpose. Artificial Sweeteners cause CancerThere were highly publicized reports that two artificial sweeteners, cyclamates and saccharin, caused cancer in lab rats. These studies, however, never proved that the same happens in humans. Also aspartame, another artificial sweetener, has been proven to not cause cancer. Besides myths about treatment and risk factors for cancer, there have also circulated myths about other aspects of cancer. These myths usual just start a public panic and really just damage the knowledge people have about cancer and lead to increased phobias about it. Here are a couple more myths about cancer. Injuries can Cause CancerSimple injuries, like a bruise, are not going to cause cancer. There has been no link found between minor injuries and cancer. Severe injuries, in some rare cases, though, have been linked with cancer. However, these cases represent a small fraction of cancer cases, so sever injuries may only be a slight risk factor.
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