Hard to Avoid Risk FactorsHalf of all men and one third of all women will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime. Looking at that statement is enough to scare anyone. Cancer is a serious disease. The survival rates vary greatly and while medical science has come a far way towards treating cancer, the only definite way to survive cancer is to never develop it in the first place. Age is another risk factor that cannot be controlled. Based upon research and analysis of cancer figures it has been determined that age raises the risk for cancer. People over the age of 60 are at the highest risk. In fact, people over the age of 65 accounts for two out of every three cancer diagnosed patients. Other risk factors may be hard to avoid, but in some cases it is possible to avoid them. Good examples are viruses and chemicals. In some cases it is quite easy to avoid certain viruses and chemicals. Other times it is not so easy. It is difficult to avoid a risk factor if you are unaware that it may cause cancer. This is why becoming educated on cancer risk factors are important. Viruses that cause cancer are usually transmitted sexual or through blood. The Human papilloma virus or HPV is one of the better-known viruses that are sexually transmitted and can lead to cervical cancer. Blood viruses are most often transmitted through drug use. Chemicals that cause cancer are called carcinogens. They alter the cell’s DNA and therefore increase the risk for developing cancer. Many come from exposure in the environment. There are different levels of carcinogens. Some are thought to be more harmful than others. It is also thought that the level and length of time a person is exposed also affects the risk of developing cancer. In most cases if a person limits their exposure to carcinogens they will keep the risk of developing cancer due to exposure to them to a minimum. This is simple in some cases, but in others it is almost impossible. Carcinogens are found almost everywhere and there are so many that it is difficult for a person to identify their exposure levels. Thankfully, many risk factors can be easily avoided. It is usually a matter of altering your lifestyle or changing your dietary habits to eliminate or reduce a risk factor.
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